PG&E Energy Monitoring Integration

It is most likely that your data is in the 15-minute intervals that I still need to implement.

I will take a look and see if your data is being pulled.

As a PG&E customer I am more than interested in this. I am start to following this conversation. Hopefully still in process, last reply was in may.

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@JPHutchins thank you for this - signed up, authorized, and I’m looking at my historical data now. For the record, I’m also interested in gas usage…


  • Scott
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Hi Edgar, please try registering at

Unfortunately I have not made any progress on a HA integration yet.


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I’m also very interested in this integration.

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Also very interested and now following! I’m brand new to the HA community. I just set up my very own system to control some smart switches in my home. :slight_smile:


I’m with PG&E as well and am VERY interested in this integration as well. Thanks for the hard work.


Following :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:

Following avidly! I am a noob waiting on buying the Shelly EM meters until I see what better minds than mine can figure out. Sure would be nice to have a direct integration with the PG&E smart meter, or the PG&E "back office" database, rather than a separate device integration like with the Shelly EM energy meter. I'm not smart enough to assist, but I'll happily contribute $$$. Cheers, Dave.

+1, this would be awesome!


+1 on PG&E Smart Meter integration!

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I am going to tackle this integration. Was looking at the API docs for building integrations here. Creating your first integration | Home Assistant Developer Docs looks easy enough as it is in python.

Will have more updates as I get into it.


Good luck! I’ll happily be an early beta tester!

@JPHutchins or someone else you happen to have the instructions to generate the two way SSL Client cert, I tried a few times at it is upset with me :stuck_out_tongue:

I see the message:
“The certificate Ha Pge is not provisoned for use as a client certificate.”

What certificates are you wondering about? Please point me to the PGE docs.

IMO, the path forward is to add a means of fetching the data from Open Energy View. OEV started because the PGE API does not send data to individual users. So I made OEV to fetch and store the data to allow synchronous requests from HA users.

If PGE has updated their spec and will allow users to fetch their own data then everything is much simpler all of a sudden! LMK what you find out.


It looks like registering for “Self Access” is possible now via Share My Data Third Party Portal | Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
I just ran through the steps, including pasting my cert.pem. Here’s hoping a confirmation email will show up soon! It worked! Will go through in more detail soon. Am happy to report what I can see/do from here!

I don’t know how much work it’d be to actually set up a working integration from here, but I’m very interested in contributing to that, if I can

@PaarthShah Did you happen to generate your certs with openssl on the cmdline? I went through the process of setting up a self signed ssl and root ca.

Do you mind documenting how you did it?


I see this dialog when I choose to setup an account as a “self access” type of user. On this page and then clicking register

I found a repo you had with some code and certificates. Since I’m wrapping up for the night I will come back with a link later.

It’s been ages since I manually created certs, PKI service ftw; is it correct to follow the steps up to and including “Convert Client Key to (combined) PEM”

The process is rather complicated and my self access repo could easily be out of date. It is worth a shot to try!

I used let’s encrypt for SSL.

This is the same process that I went through thinking that it would be a nice HA integration that polls their API. What I found is that a self access user will need to run a web server in order to receive data.

What I’m about to say will sound wrong. Hopefully it has changed since 3 years ago. :roll_eyes:

A self access user makes a request for data. User will receive a 202 “OK, data is on the way!”. After 10-60 seconds user will receive a POST at their PUBLIC WEB SERVER that contains the URL from which data can be retrieved. :roll_eyes:

At that time I realized that PGE has no interest in making the data available to individual customers. After all, the Green Button initiative is the result of federal policy, not some “innovation”. So, OEV was born to provide the web server that users can actually get their data from. PGE’s Share My Data team is awesome and was very helpful.

The good news is that once Green Button and ESPI are implemented, the protocol is similar for hundreds of utility companies around the US. As far as I understand.