Philips Hue Dimmer Remote - Control up to 5 sets of lights

Can you elaborate a little more? How do I change the model filter?

On the blueprint is the following and you would need to change
model: RWL020
model: RWL021

That’s what I’m assuming anyway since there are two different models, so that is the most likely reason why yours wouldn’t show up as an option.


Tried that and it didnt work.
When I go to the Hue app and click on Accessories, I see my two switches.
Switch 1: 14-7,23:11
Switch 2: 14-7,23:50

Not sure what those mean but I dont see RWL020 anywhere. I am located in the US.

You mention going to the Hue app. Do you have the remote connected to ZHA in HA? The device info in HA will tell you which you have. But also if they haven’t been added to ZHA then they won’t be available for the blueprint to use.

How do I connect it to ZHA?

There is a setup hole on the back of it which can be used to put it into paring mode. Do that while having ZHA look for new devices.

Just wanting to set a scene on one click instead of a light… I can do it on all the other numbers of clicks but not one… any chance someone can help me with modifying the blueprint to do that? Thanks

First you would need to change the selector for “Single Press Light” from

    domain: light


  entity: {}

And then just make sure you don’t set “Force turn on brightness” when setting up the automation.
Pretty sure that’s all you would need to do and then it should work.

Thanks - it definitely worked, so that’s great. The only problem now is that it won’t dim up or down, and it won’t turn off. Any thoughts?

You mentioned you wanted to use a scene instead of a light. Scenes don’t support dimming, so those buttons wouldn’t do anything. And last I checked Home Assistant doesn’t have a scene turn off, so that would be why it doesn’t turn off.

Awesome blueprint! This is just I need it but I’ve the RWL022 switch. I’ve tried to modify the .yaml but it’s not working correctly, the on/off button doesn’t working and the switch feature with the input text seems to be ignored.

I’m really newbie with homeassistant and the blueprints. Can you help me?

The blueprint is locked into RWL020 because I can’t guarantee how other models will work. So to change it for the RWL022, you would need to modify line 30 in the .yaml which it sounds like you’ve already done. So next, in HA you will want to go to Dev Tools and the Events tab. Under “Listen to events” enter “zha_event” and start listening.
Once you are listening, click the on button on the remote, then double click and so on. Ensure that the event’s command is “on_press”, “on_double_press” and so on. If not, go into the .yaml under actions, you’ll need to change the choose conditions (line 122, line 148 etc) you may need to change the command, cluster_id or endpoint_id to get them to match the events you observed.

Marvellous! Just changing the endpoint_id to “1” all works great!

Thanks dude!

After several months enjoying this blueprint, yesterday an error strikes my mind. When I push once the “on” button the ligthts turn on perfectly. These lights are dimmable and the up/down buttons works fine until yesterday. These buttons now are not working, the text helper input when I push twice, three or four times changes it variable but nothing happens when I push once. I saw the automation config and the “single-light” is not set. This is the code ( as you know):

mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent
      - light.signify_netherlands_b_v_lwa011_level_on_off
      - switch.pasillo_switch_1
      - switch.entrada_switch_1
      - light.luz_de_la_mesa
      - light.luz_de_la_ventana
      - light.signify_netherlands_b_v_lwa011_level_on_off
      - switch.pasillo_switch_1
      - switch.entrada_switch_1
  force_brightness: false
  current_light: input_text.helper_last_controller_helper

The error I see when I push once is

Stopped because an error was encountered at 8 de octubre de 2022, 17:13:16 (runtime: 0.04 seconds)

extra keys not allowed @ data[‘transition’]

Ich kann leider meinen RWL021 nicht auswählen. Er ist mit HA verbunden und sichtbar unter HA. Woran kann das liegen?

Google translate:
Sie mßssten den Modellfilter auf RWL021 ändern

You would need to change the model filter to RWL021

    model: RWL020

change to

    model: RWL021