Philips Hue Dimmer Switch RWL021 seen as battery sensor only

Hey there,

I am currently trying to add a Philips Hue dimmer switch to my Home Assistant.
I am using a Conbee II with zigbee integration.

When I pair the RWL021, only its battery indicator is shown. The switches themselves are not there at all.

Is this a known issue and what can I do to make it work?

Thanks and best regards

The remote only produces events for keypresses.

See Deconz - Philips Hue Dimmer Switch (RWL021)

The problem is, the entities for the switch components are not recognized at all:

BTW: I am not using the Deconz integration but the zigbee integration.

Then see, e.g., ZHA - Philips Hue Dimmer Switch · GitHub

Idea is the same. There is no entity but zha_events being generated

- platform: event
  event_type: zha_event

Ah, okay. Never used Blueprints before. Gotta look into this.
Actually I use NodeRED for my automations. Is there a way to make the swicth accessible in NodeRED?

Ah, I think I got the idea.
Thank you!

My Hue Dimmers stopped working properly about two weeks ago.

I use the official integration and not via Deconz
or ZHA etc.

The long press no longer works at all on any of my four units. I’ve changed nothing other than update the HA software.

Any ideas from the community?