Philips Hue Motion Sensor Battery Level

@Mariusthvdb I understand from the manual that I should have ‘default config’ in my ‘configuration yaml’ which I have. So, is there anything I need to do now to get it to work?

what do you mean with ‘get it to work’? show them in the Frontend, or make the sensors/input_number exist in HA states. Do they? Can you see them in /developer-tools/state?

Yes I can see them in /develeoper-tools/state.

Now do I have to adjust my Gauge display on my dashboard to the correct sensor?

what do you think… maybe give it a try and see what happens?

hahaha… :rofl: I did! And this is what happens:

Not calibrated:




But I have my doubts about the temperature in the garden (tuin)


the other sensors worry me more… what did you set the input_number to? there’s not much calibration going on in the first 2 sensors…

Minimum value: -2
Maximum value: 2,5
Step size: 0,1

no, what is the state of that input_number? it should be something other than 0 which is what is adds now (unless you didnt change the first 2 gauges in the screenshot)

Hope I understand you correctly


not really… in order to check if the calibrated sensor template works alright, you need to check if the input_number (which you add in the template sensor) actually has a state (a value to add in the template)

for that you need to check in the developer-tools/state and find the input_number

you can also check in the template editor, on developer-tools/template and enter:

{{ (states('sensor.keuken_sensor_temperature')|float + 
                states('input_number.temp_calibration')|float)|round(2) }}

that way we can see if all is well. please post a screenshot of both pages?

I do my best to follow you :sweat_smile:


You need to replace the “demo template” code with Marius’s code. Like this:

I get unknown and 0.0 because I don’t have those entities.

And we need to see the state here (with my input_number as an example):



there we are. you’ve named the input_number temperature_calibration, and use temp_calibration in the template…

rename either and you’re set. probably easiest to change the template to use input_number.temperature_calibration

lesson to learn here: you see the input_number to be unknown. And still the template sensor using that has a value. That is because the |float makes it a number, albeit with 0 value. so it can be added.

Sorry. My comment was more directed at the changes of the reporting of the motion / light / temperature sensors specifically, not any Hue improvements as a whole. :slight_smile:


Now I just need to add my other sensors in the template file, right?

Yeah, you need to update the temp to temperature in your template sensor section and reload template entities (or a full restart).

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OK! I think I’ve got everything right now. I’ll share all the screens with you one more time. But you are already great teachers!


And this is the result on Lovelace dashboard.

Not calibrated


And calibrated


Something’s definitely wrong with your garden sensor. Can you paste the template editor’s result for that code, as you duplicated the toilet sensor instead?

Should be 18.8, not 30.63!