Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud

It’s worth noting that if you try to go to this support contact page with any sort of ad blocker or refuse cookies you can’t use it - just more evidence that tracking is on their mind!


This is happening to me as well, and I’m using anti-adblocker scripts too

This form works with ublock activated :point_down:


Contact us for support, a product complaint or a service request :point_down:

I just submitted a complaint. I highly encourage everyone to do the same and spam their socials. Bait and switch has to stop.

I can try to answer a couple of common questions:

As the blog post pointed out, they can sell/share your data, per the privacy policies.

It is still unclear. It would work, for now, but there is no guarantee at this point.

Unfortunately no. Any zigbee bulb (or any zigbee device, FWIW) by design is supposed to talk to one zigbee mesh network. But as CO_4X4 mentioned above, the switch is fairly quick and painless, it seems.

Yes. If you recall, you have areas and zones also natively in Home Assistant.
So while the look and feel of the app is different, and the automations in HA is not the same as in Hue app, one can for sure duplicate the same setup in HA.

I’m really concerned about this, as in my home, a lot of systems rely on the Hue local API, for me, as I have a secondary (ZHA) zigbee network, it would be an easy switch-over in just some minutes, but my family probably will say nope for that as it would take hours to reprogram everything so it works like before, with the “Wake-Up” feature and the Alexa integration being the most critical and the most difficult features at the same time…

Not quite the same setup. Unless HA has the ability to pull off all of the light syncing that you can do in the hue app, all of the fun stuff will be missing.

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Unfortunately the app gui is perfect for wife acceptance and I searched for something similar but it is not there if someone would create a app to control lights on the home assistant api I would happily donate that would actually bring home assistant a big step forward

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You could run diyHUE and connect for example Hue Essentials to that virtual bridge
[EDIT: just remembered Hue Essentials is available on IOS too…]

I think what people are looking for in this case are ZigBee groups to efficiently target a group of lights at the same time with an action. Z2M (and ZHA as well, I presume) does have groups. What it does not have is a distinction between “zones” and “rooms”, though in practice that probably won’t make a difference. As with Hue, a light can be part of more than one group.

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ZHA does have Zigbee groups, they are just entities under the “device entry” of your coordinator once you set them up

If you mean changing all lights in a room or zone at the same time, yes that is possible with ZigBee groups.

I think that it’s about those fancy Hue Entertainment features that only the Hue Hub with official Hue bulbs has…

Wouldn’t a custom dashboard offer the same features? I never really like the native Hue app UI (though iConnectHue is pretty good).

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Diyhue breaks on almost a weekly basis I am even in their chat helping out but it’s far from stable

Oh, OK, yeah, that is a proprietary extension to the ZigBee protocol that right now only the Hue bridge supports. There have been some feature requests for this on Z2M and I think in principle it is known how it works, but no-one has actually implemented it so far.

I tried it some months ago when switching the first three of our Hue lights off the bridge, mostly for bringing back the Amazon Echo integration, and I got it setup but didn’t succeed in adding my lights from ZHA onto that virtual bridge. I thought it would be more stable and compatible now…

Yes! That would be very good… unfortunately the dashboard creating is still not simple for most people. It would take me weeks to create something and with a job and 2 kids I just can’t annymore :persevere:

Is it really bare metal? I switched years ago to Z2M (now ZHA), but hearing all this fuzz about this change makes me wonder what are the benefits of using Hue integration vs ZHA/Z2M.

1 Like for the info. One question about zones and area. HA have area and zones. But in HUE app when you turn on a zone all lights ate go on off change color on same time. Will this be the same in HA or will all bulbs on or of one by one. That’s was so great of the HUE. Turn on whole house as it seems all bulbs are just one.

I used in past milight and every bulb went on then the order then the other. So it took some time before everything was changed.