Philips Wiz (not Hue) Bulbs: how can we advocate for an API

You can edit 2 lines in to get rid of the deprecation message, and all seems to continue to work well on the latest version of HA (0.111.1).

Change Light to LightEntity on line 19 (the section for importing the device class from the component).
Also change WizBulb(Light) to WizBulb(LightEntity) on line 51.

@Sbidy - something you could update in your master if that is the right fix?

@jambalaya I was going to do a pull request for this, but it looks like someone already did:

Edit: I switched to the latest version (from earlier today) and this issue is resolved.

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FYI, I’m using this to control these Altair AL-2167 lights and it’s working like a charm. Thanks!

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Thanks for the making it so easy to control the WiZ.

Managed to add some buttons to control the lights individually and trigger some scenes with glance
But don’t seem to be able to use glace to set the effect mode

Here’s my lovelace config

 - type: glance
          - entity: light.office_bulb
              action: call-service
              service: light.sendUDPMessage
                entity_id: light.office_bulb

Not sure what the service & data I’m supposed to call. Where can i get these information?

If you are using the Wiz integration, then you just call the light.turn_on/off services to control the lights.

yes i am using Wiz integration. I am trying to get the light to go to the ‘Fireplace’ mode.

Try this:

  - entity: light.office_bulb
      action: call-service
      service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.office_bulb
        effect: Fireplace

Awesome. That works! Thanks alot. How do you know to use effect ? I’m trying to figure out what settings i can change, but can’t seem to find it. Looked at the .py files and am lost.

Do I need to restart HA when i change my scene.yaml?

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The Wiz integration is basically just the same as the built-in Light integration. What I do is look in the Wiz app to see what effects are available (white bulbs versus color bulbs have different effects). Basically, whatever you can do with the regular light integration (, you can do with the Wiz integration.

No, you don’t need to restart HA; Just go into Configuration>Server Controls and click on the “Reload Scenes” button.

Thanks. Think I’m getting a better idea of it. So basically I can only call those services listed in the regular light integration.

Funny I do not have a Reload Scenes button in that page


Weird? What version of HA are you running? Granted, I’m not running HA supervised, but you should see something like this:

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Ah, figured it out. Had to turn on Advanced Mode in the user profile.

Also when I try to display the light’s brightness, it shows 0-255%

- type: entity
  entity: light.office_bulb
  attribute: brightness
  unit: '%'

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 10.55.16 PM


AFAIK, no light integration supports brightness_pct as a displayable attribute by default:

You could accomplish this by creating a template sensor for it (

Noticed that if i set the lights to a color for eg blue, the UI icons turn to that color, then if i change the temperature, it goes into white/warm mode, but the blue UI icon still sticks at blue.

Tried the state_color: true but doesn’t seem to have any effect.

That sounds more like a Lovelace bug.

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Oh figured that out. The UI only updates after 60 secs (default) based on the addon config.

Man I’m stuck and feel so dumb haha. I just set up HA for the first time and cannot figure out how to connect my wiz recessed lights for the life of me. I tried setting up HAC, but wasn’t able to find the wiz_lights integration. I followed the instructions to manually add it into HA, and when I type “- platform:wiz_light” it says “Platform error light.wiz_light - Integration ‘wiz_light’ not found.” in Configuration validation. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

it goes in the configuration.yaml as a light.

  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Table Lamp #8f75xx
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Ceiling Lamp A #94b4xx
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Ceiling Lamp B #957cxx
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Ceiling Lamp C #94b0xx
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Recess SE #213exx 
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Recess SW #802axx 
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Recess NW #818bxx 
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: LR Recess NE #8076xx
    host: 10.10.34.xx
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: KR John Nightstand #9729xx 
  - platform: wiz_light
    name: KR Joseph Nightstand #94caxx 
  - platform: group
    name: Living Room Recess
      - light.lr_recess_ne
      - light.lr_recess_nw
      - light.lr_recess_se
      - light.lr_recess_sw
  - platform: group
    name: Living Room Fixture
      - light.lr_ceiling_lamp_a
      - light.lr_ceiling_lamp_b
      - light.lr_ceiling_lamp_c
  - platform: group
    name: Kids Nightstand
      - light.kr_john_nightstand
      - light.kr_joseph_nightstand
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Is this WiZ integration available through HACS? Some posts in this thread suggest it is and the GitHub wiz_light repo says it is, but I can’t find it in HACS.

I don’t want to be in the cloud, as you suggested in an Apr 21 post, the “WiZ App” uses the cloud based API. However, I need these lights to have IP addresses before I can use the wiz_light integration. Is the WiZ App the only way to give them IP addresses or is there another process? Essentially I’m trying to stay away from anything that will have my bulbs making calls to the internet (outside of putting them on separate VLAN with no internet access and blocking their MAC addresses from the internet at the firewall, which I suppose I can do).

Use Custom repositories.

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