I noticed it takes about 3min before it stops noticing that i’m not home anymore. That corresponds perfectly with the consider_home=180.
I might play around with that.
Can i just add these bits to the device tracker in configuration.yaml?
I noticed it takes about 3min before it stops noticing that i’m not home anymore. That corresponds perfectly with the consider_home=180.
I might play around with that.
Can i just add these bits to the device tracker in configuration.yaml?
Yep, should work
I’m back with a related question.
I have a Netgear R6700 router that has the option to setup an OpenVPN
I’ve set this up and now if i connect to home assistant on the phone while on data that also all seems to work as expected
For this to work the VPN app has to stay on on the phone all the time.
The router gave me an option to select only home or home and internet to be routed through the VPN. I selected only home.
So my question, is it a problem to have that OpenVPN app runn all the time on the phone? Is there an option in Android to say that it only needs to run this app while not on my Home Network?
Tasker might be a route to this, although I’ve not tried it myself: Automatic VPN on Android with Tasker and OpenVPN | Collin M. Barrett
Not really, but it could slow down your internet browsing etc on your phone a bit since you would then be routing all your phone data via your house.
I selected to only route home traffic through the VPN and that seems to work.
When i check the statistics in the OpenVPN app on my phone i see no spikes in data when just browsing the internet, only when i access my home pages. So that seems good.