Pi 4 and Gpio Issues

@CaptTom. Thank you for posting about your discovery that the rpi_gpio problem is likely not related to the pull-up. Or, it may be actually caused by more than one problem…
I did a few experiments and it turns out that the problem is likely related to debouncing. I have a button connected between GPIO3 and a ground. So, to work I need GPIO3 to be pulled-up. Once I press the button, the state sticks to “ON”. To make it OFF, I need to touch GPIO3 by hands and it may switch to “OFF” This is usually a sign that the GPIO is floating…
On the other hand, I added bouncetime: 5 (default is 50) and now the button works most of the time. I.e. it reliably turns ON and with 95% probability turns OFF when the button is released.
I do not know if the pull-up is an issue or not, but it seems obvious that the rpi_gpio code has problems with debouncing.

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I’m nood but I did the same 1 year ago… and still now my config is with bouncetime: 5 I have 95% probability it works, but not too reliable (100%). And I don’t know but in the last year, I burned 3 different raspberry gpio. =(

Ciao anche io sto tentando di collegare il mio inverter ibrido a home Assistant, ti posso chiedere delle dritte per riuscire a collegarlo?

Hi, could you please post your question in English? Thank you.