Pi GPIO Binary Sesnsor

In an open source world, either the main author or an adventurer with free time.

so what is the solutions that need to work?

I found that adding a simple sleep(0.05) was enough to give the system time to read the high and low values when using the callback.

If we added this to the call back function it should work.

We need to find out where this add_event_decect is located at.
GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, GPIO.BOTH, callback=state_change_hadler, bouncetime=300)

These look to be all the routines that use that event call back.

For me, I just needed it for the binary sensor.


Line 17: from time import sleep
Line 76: sleep(0.02)

Thatā€™s it ! a 20 ms delay and everything works reliable.

If somebody can show me where to submit this as an enhancement Iā€™d appreciate that. I know people would enjoy the stability of this slight change.

So to clarify, line 76 would put that line in the constructor, but I assume you mean for it to go in the read_gpio method, correct? I could certainly help with submitting a pull request, but Iā€™m doubtful that a delay is a good solution that will pass review, especially a hardcoded one. I could make it configurable, of course.

Itā€™s worth a try.

where did you put the sleep command?

Followed suggestions from @Flyguy86 (thanks!) and things work great for me.
Using HA 0.79.3 on a PI Zero W.


  • platform: rpi_gpio
    21: Button
    pull_mode: DOWN


  • platform: rpi_gpio
    26: Led
  • platform: rpi_gpio
    20: Relay
    invert_logic: true


  • alias: ā€˜Push Buttonā€™
    • platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.Button
      to: ā€˜onā€™
    • service: homeassistant.toggle
      entity_id: switch.Led
    • service: homeassistant.toggle
      entity_id: switch.Relay

Nothing fancy: Pi, a breadboard and 3.3v + GPIO pins. One button push turns on both the Led and Relay, one more push and it turns them off.

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Still having the issue of binary_sensor raspberry pi GPIO only recognizing first state switch to on and not returning to off. (home assistant 0.89.1)
I used a workaround using a sensor reading the state from commandline:

  - platform: command_line
    name: SensorNameGPIO24
    command: "cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/value"
    value_template: '{{ value }}'
    scan_interval: 1
    command_timeout: 1

since it took me quite a while to figure that out, I thought that might help others.
and I also configure the GPIO as input using home assistant

  - platform: rpi_gpio
      24: InputGPIO24
    pull_mode: DOWN

all displayed config is done in configuration.yaml


So this solved lack of stability by gpio of the pi?

My understanding is that this solution will be limited by the scan interval, and would only work if you can guarantee that an input will last longer than a second, anything that could be shorter could miss being scanned.

So while it might be a good workaround for something like a door sensor (unlikely to be open for less than a second) Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a great solution for something like a doorbell which may be pushed for only half that time.

One second is a CPU intensive scan interval already. Imagine having 24 inputs to scan with this. Not really an ideal solution.

SOLVED. Try with automation wich reload sensors. In my case every 2 seconds.

  • id: ā€˜cronā€™
    alias: cron
    • platform: time_pattern
      seconds: /2
      condition: []
    • data:
      entity_id: binary_sensor.gpio12
      service: homeassistant.update_entity
    • data:
      entity_id: binary_sensor.gpio25
      service: homeassistant.update_entity
    • data:
      entity_id: binary_sensor.gpio17
      service: homeassistant.update_entity

HA isnā€™t designed to capture fast triggers, but using a simple latching type as per below youā€™ll capture sub millisecond tiggers.

Once the latch is triggered, reset the trigger using an output pin on the GPIO.


Applying a capacitor between GND and GPIO pin of binary sensor solves the problem. I putted a 1uF electrolytic capacitor or a SMD capacitor and with both works very stabil. Before that I had unreliable responses as well.

    platform: rpi_gpio
      4: pibutton

This might solve the problem for you with 1 gpio but if you have a lot of GPIOs and a lot going on in HA I can guarantee this wont work. It is a software problem.

I also donā€™t care any more. I am now using an alternative 100% reliable mqtt-gpio bridge.

Which exact solution did you chose @tom_l? I am looking for a reliable solution for sensing 6 wired push buttons.

I use a couple of raspberry pis running a gpio to mqtt bridge:


100% reliable.

Since writing that Iā€™ve moved HA to a mini pc and both pis are running the mqtt bridge software.

I now have esphome, and my binary sensors triggers instantly for my doorbell ā€¦ Max 2 sec updateā€¦

Wanna test rasperry too, but after reading some comments, itā€™s not a good idea? Since it uses scan interval?

I ran into this Pi HAT: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FE9EQ88/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1K1YGWF8WQZ7Q&psc=1

It is also a mini breadboard, so the capacitors and pullup resistors can be soldered on it. I will give it a try and let you know.

guys, can someone help me? i was using a nodemcu 8266, configured for smart doorbell, my doorbell gives when someone presses the doorbell 12 , with the schema below, i reduced to 3.0 v, this was working brilliant (10 kohm and 3.3 kohm)
now tried the same with the gpio , with remote gpio component, seems it works, but only for a short while
if i try the doorbell again after like 10 min, i dont see the binary sensor switching anymore
is it maybe because of the resisror choice? should i need to replace 3.3 with 3.8 , to give me 3.3 v ?

  - platform: remote_rpi_gpio
    host: !secret raspberry
      18: doorbell