Pi-Hole Integration not working

It doesn’t. I create the integration and all I can do is seen on the screenshot above. I can type in the Host (IP), the port, the Name and “Standort”, which I leave at “admin”. I then hit “Absenden” (which basically means “Confirm” or something similar), and the Pi-Hole gets created, without asking me for an API key.

Understood. But - even without API key - does it work? Are the sensors created etc?

Yea, entities are being created. Just can’t input the API key anywhere, so I can’t disable Pi-Hole from HA.

You have to remove the integration and then add it again. Only when installing the Pi-Hole integration the input for the API key is questioned in the next step when uncheck the Statistics checkbox is done only!
Thus disable/enable will not do the trick to provide you with API insert screen.

@sirpreis: i had the exact same problem, the api key field after entering host, port, name, location did not appear. i discovered that i had an old pihole doh dot installation on unraid, which was not maintained anymore and i had to change the repo for an updated image. after i did that, the api key window appeared suddenly after deinstall/install of the pihole integration.
maybe this helps you…

I can confirm that I had to update my Pi-Hole instances. I didn’t think about that, as they weren’t so old. But after updating Pi-Hole, the HA Pi-Hole integration actually notified me on its own that it had to be reconfigured. I was then able to add the API key, and I am now able to disable Pi-Hole from HA.


Disabling/enabling Pi-hole blocking works for me, but the status of the binary entity is not updated.
Only after reloading the Pi-hole integration the correct status is shown…

Anyone else having this issue?

(Pi-hole v5.16.2 FTL v5.22 Web Interface v5.19)

When Upgrading to Home Assistant 2023.4.0, the Pi-Hole entities where renamed to localized versions (sensor.pihole_dns_abfragen_heute), before they were English.

There was an update in HA 2023.4.1 but that didn’t fix this, instead I had to remove and setup Pi-Hole integration again.

Still, entities are based on local/German terms.