Picture card will not show picture

Hello everybody,

this is my first thread here in the community. I started with home assiatant recently.
I want to replace my current KNX Server (just the dasboard first).

So - hello and many thanks to the community.

Everything is working fine up to now - but not wit the picture cards :-(.

I can’t show a picture in the dasboard.
I’m running HA on a Raspberry Pi 5 with the latest firmware publication.

Everywhere I read to reach the picture in this way:
with “picturefolder” as subfolder for pictures

In the file editor → browes filesystem it starts with homeassistant/
then going to homeassistant/pictures/name_of_the_picture.xyz there is the picture shown

The “/local” stands for “/config/www” folder.

yes, that I’ve read but were to find? /confic/www folder.
In my configuration File editor always starts with homeassistant/ as folder and i can’t navigate a level higher. And in the folder homeassistant there is no folder called config.
I’m confused, sorry

“/config” is a root folder for HA.
At least for HA docker; have no idea how it is in case of HA OS.
I.e. “/config” is a folder where “configuration.yaml” file is stored.
The “config” & “local” are not “names”, they are kind of “aliases”.

Go to the “homeassistant” folder, can you see a “www” folder there?
Also this.

it seems to be the same as in the thread you linked.
In my “homeassistant/” folder ther is no “www” folder.

My “configuration.yaml” file is in “homeassistant/” folder.

Then create www folder manually. Then create an “images” subfolder & use “/local/images” to address images.

so now I’ve created the folder “www” manualy. → “homeassistant/www” → reboot und the picture in “homeassistant/www” can be integrated in the dasboard via “/local/name of the picture”.

Thanks for the help!

Not exactly what I suggested, but you are happy with it…

it was just for testing, now I’ve added a folder for images as you mentioned. :+1:

Good, because the www folder might be filled by HACS also; and you may want to create additional folders like “js scripts” etc.