Picture cards for a 1 page rich dashboard

I started out in hass with the usual cards, and quickly ended up a with a long unmanageable dashboard page of mess. I followed the example dashboards and picked up some ideas for uses of picture cards, and now have this - interested to know thoughts and any suggestions for improvements!

  • Top left shows the latest image from my cameras - the banner along the bottom of the images gives me the status of home - are we away, is it day or night, and the status of the alarm, a,one with current weather at home. This all updates dynamically based on time of day etc.

  • The media card top right is dynamic and appears if the media player is playing - I have this for all media players, so I have relevant info, when it’s worthwhile.

  • The blocked colour cards allow tracking for family members - tracking device battery and charging status, while also showing if we are in the home office, the house or out somewhere else. - next improvement is to use the proximity integration to show direction of travel if out.

  • My favourite ones are for the cars - as a native entities card, they took up loads of space - but icons on a formatted picture cards make it a lot more concise. In the card, I can monitor range, plug status, charging time etc and control the climatisation!

I’ve also put a “burger” menu to the cameras picture which is connected to a toggle entity to show and hide some additional options on the screen.

Nothing ground breaking here, but I’m proud of the concise view.
I’m open to any suggestions for improvements! Or if it’s inspired anything for you, happy to provide details for how it’s acheived!

My next extension to this view has been to use @m33x ’s example on iOS widgets to present this view natively on my Home Screen

A work in progress for now - but the cars card looks cool