Picture Elements Card Configuration issue

Hello guys, Im new to HomeAsistant. So far I was doing well but now i have a problem I can’t solve it so I hope someone can help me with this
I’m trying to setup Picture Element Card. I get background picture, i can’t get picture WorkshopON
If I delete “width: #%” then nothing happens, just background picture
If i add “width: 100%” i get waiting icone obove background picture. What m’I missing.

Thanks for the answers.

Your states need to be lower case, i.e. “on” and “off”. Also they are not indented correctly. See the examples here: Picture Elements Card - Home Assistant

Thank you! I have tryed also with “on” and “off” but the issue is the same. Names of the pictures are correct (upper and lower case letters). Can someone paste existing code so I can just add path for the pictures.
I’m running my HA on my qnap through virtualmachine and my version of HA is 10.3

Seems you missed “state_image” option. Check docs.

Because you did not fix your indentation issue.

Also please do not post pictures of text. Post the actual text formatted correctly for the forum. How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question

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Ok thank you for help, this works for me. Now i have to figure it out, how to change entity icon size and color.

type: picture-elements
image: /local/Renders/BasementOFF.png
  - type: image
    entity: light.workshop
    tap_action: none
    hold_action: none
      left: 50%
      top: 50%
      width: 100%
      'on': /local/Renders/WorkshopON.png
      'off': /local/Renders/Transparent.png

  - type: state-icon
    entity: light.workshop
      top: 36%
      left: 52%
      action: toggle
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