Picture entity card: change refresh rate for camera view auto


Is it possible to change the refresh rate for the ‘auto’ camera view? When I set the camera view to ‘auto’ the picture is refreshed every 10 seconds, but I want to have a refresh every 5 seconds.


Also interested in this :pray:

I am also looking for this exact same thing. 10 seconds is just too long and ‘live’ will consume too much bandwidth and CPU.

Yep, I’m also interested in this.

Me too :wink:
Reolink NVR/camera: increase refresh interval for snaphots?

I have 5 outdoor POE camera’s around my house and in a number of dashboards I display anywhere from 3 to 5 of them in one dashboard view. What I have landed on is to do the 10 second refresh on all the cameras that are not as important and do the live option on ONLY the screens camera’s thet are most important, like the main front driveway view.

Looks like I’m doing a me too on this. I agree that 10 seconds is to long and I have to many cameras to want a live view for all of them.

Bumping this up in case anyone has found a solution. Would like to see them refresh maybe every 1-3 seconds.


There is a PR on GitHub where a user actually implemented this.
Unfortunately, it’s been blocked/closed since they feel that it may allow users to overload HA.

In my opinion, it would be fine to allow the option with a warning to the user to be careful.


I came here looking for the same solution. I’m surprised the developers did not adopt adding refresh rate to the picture card. A warning would be perfectly acceptable. The current state of the picture card is near useless. Live is unusable and a 10 second delay is an eternity when you are waiting to see a motion picture. Feel like I’m watching a Webcam from 1995. I surely hope the developers reconsider this implementation.

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Me too.
I’m a bit surprised at a “One size fits all” implementation given the huge spread of processors running HA.
Other alternatives?

So they leave us with an option to set it to live and enable preloading, witch together will overload HA for sure. Someone needs to rethink this :slight_smile:


BUMP ! Still no resolution to this one ?

I guess not. I wish “someone” made a fork of the picture card, added the rejected PR and put it in HACS instead. I have Reolink battery cameras with the picture card on my dashboard (wife request) and they take a snapshot every 10 second, draining the battery. I want to turn off the cameras when the screensaver is activated, which I could do with an automation. RIght now this doesn’t work, as long as I have the dashboard with the picture entity cards, it will keep the camera busy.

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Adding my name to the wish list.