Complete HASS newb here, running hassio in docker on an ubuntu VM using the install script.
I’ve got a USB RFXTRX433 and some LightwaveRF PIR sensors which work fine. I bought a cheapo PIR also using ~433Mhz, but it does not send an off signal, only a pulse of ON when movement is detected.
I’ve come from Domoticz, where you could set an off delay for such cases. I saw a setting for that for binary switch sensors, but when I added “delay_off: 30” to my switch, nothing happened after 30 seconds.
I did that for a few months, until I learned about the “off_delay” option in the binary sensors. Having a seperate automation for all that is a lot more work than just this (code below), and I don’t recommend that method anymore.
- platform: mqtt
name: "Front Door Sensor"
payload_on: "CCBCBE"
off_delay: 5
device_class: door
state_topic: "tele/Sonoff_RFBridge/RESULT"
value_template: '{{ value_json.RfReceived.Data }}'