PIR Sensor does not send off signal

Complete HASS newb here, running hassio in docker on an ubuntu VM using the install script.

I’ve got a USB RFXTRX433 and some LightwaveRF PIR sensors which work fine. I bought a cheapo PIR also using ~433Mhz, but it does not send an off signal, only a pulse of ON when movement is detected.

I’ve come from Domoticz, where you could set an off delay for such cases. I saw a setting for that for binary switch sensors, but when I added “delay_off: 30” to my switch, nothing happened after 30 seconds.

This is the config for the sensor:

  platform: rfxtrx
      device_class: motion
      delay_off: 30
      name: "Stair PIR"

Can I do this with an automation triggered by the on state? I can’t work out how to do this. Any help would really be appreciated!

Thank you!

Looking at the rfxtrx binary_sensor documentation, it looks like you have delay_off when the option should be named ‘off_delay’.

For sensors that only sends ‘On’ state updates, this variable sets a delay after which the sensor state will be updated back to ‘Off’.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Check out my post from another of the many threads that discuss this.

You just need to write an automation that sends a fake “off” signal that resets the binary sensor.

I did that for a few months, until I learned about the “off_delay” option in the binary sensors. Having a seperate automation for all that is a lot more work than just this (code below), and I don’t recommend that method anymore.

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Front Door Sensor"
  payload_on: "CCBCBE"
  off_delay: 5
  device_class: door
  state_topic: "tele/Sonoff_RFBridge/RESULT"
  value_template: '{{ value_json.RfReceived.Data }}'

Wow. What an idiot.

Thank you! That’ll teach me for not copying and pasting!

I have tried this option, but it does not work in my use case.

I use the openMQTTgateway project for my RF433Mhz items, and need to have the automation to reset the binary sensors.