🌱 Plant Watering Control System

:seedling::seedling::seedling: - :potable_water: - :battery:

Problem Solved: Have you ever left home and forgotten to water your plants, leaving them at the mercy of dryness? Worry no more! With my Plant Watering Control System project, you’ll have the perfect solution to keep your green friends vibrant and lush at all times, even when you’re traveling or caught up with your stuff.

Community Thanks: I want to take a moment to thank the incredible forum community. Their energy, creativity, and passion for technology have been the spark that ignited this project. A special thanks to those intrepid colleagues who share their own creations, like our buddy Mahko_Mahko, whose dedication and brilliance have been a constant source of inspiration for me and many others.

Repo Link: Dive into the fascinating world of plant watering control by exploring my repository on GitHub: Plant Irrigation Control. Here you’ll find everything you need to become the ultimate digital gardener.

Description of What You’ll Find: Immerse yourself in an ocean of creativity and technology with my project. From the intriguing ESPHOME code to the captivating screenshots of the Home Assistant dashboard, to the fascinating 3D images of the PCB and the detailed schematic that will guide you through every step of the process. Get ready for an experience that will unleash your imagination and take you to new heights of technical ingenuity!


Asking for Help to Continue and Improve: I’m excited to share this first version of the project with the community, but I know there’s always room to grow and improve together. So, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Do you have a brilliant idea to take this project to the next level? Do you want to collaborate on implementing new features? Don’t hesitate to let me know! Magic happens when we share knowledge and come together to reach new goals.

Notice About the First Version: It’s important to remember that this project is constantly evolving. While this may be the first version, there are still details to refine and improvements to implement, such as generating the PCB gerbers. However, I’m confident that together we can turn this seed into a lush garden of innovation and creativity. :rocket::man_technologist:

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Very nice. I reckon you should post a link to this project over on this project thread.

You may find some of the developers / gardeners over there are interested in contributing to this form factor / use case.

Idk why people cant make the connections and see that if they cant keep plants alive then how does automating anything help? Your just automating their death instead of doing it manually.

Theres this notion that is prevalent in this forum that somehow a soil moisture sensor and automatic watering are going to keep their plants alive now and its not reality. Soil moisture isnt the one and only factor for having thriving plants and if someone couldnt get that right by doing it manually then theres little to no hope that automating it will make any difference.

You have to have the knowledge of what it takes to grow a vigorous plant before you can automate it because, what are people automating? Most plants do not like and its fatal for a lot of them to frequently water based on some arbitrary soil moisture sensor.

Whether you need a hug or you’re feeling lonely, it’s evident you’re throwing off some negative vibes, buddy. Rather than solely criticizing and nitpicking, why not aim to contribute something constructive to the forum? We’re all here to assist each other, not to hurl poisoned darts around. So, consider changing your attitude and making a positive contribution instead of spreading negativity.

thanks buddie :raised_hands:

Sorry Karen, i wont say anything next time and just let people waste their time, money, and have their project fail. Maybe you missed this paragraph ? Is that not the solution for a successful automation? Gaining the knowledge for what it take to grow vigorous plants first and then you can automate it? Its funny you think im putting out negative vibes for speaking the truth but, you have no comment on the huge number of “plant watering automations” available on here that deceive the users into thinking this automation or that automation is the answer to their plant failure problems and as i just pointed out, it most certainly is not. You gonna lecture them next or are you ok with making false claims if it gives people a false sense of a success?

Thank you very much, I’ll be grateful not to see you in my topics.


Cool man. Ill be down here in reality whenever you want to come join in.