Platform: generic_thermostat with target_temp: "{{ states('sensor.bla') }}"

I forgot this to post:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Außentemperatur"
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen') }}"

This unfortunately do not appear in GH

All the docs for google assistant via cloud or the smarthome skill are located here. But it turns out that Google Assistant doesn’t have the display_catagories like alexa has, so that’s not an option. You’re only option is the template sensor.

You’ll notice that temperature sensors will transfer.

Use the following config and it should transfer:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Außentemperatur
        unit_of_measurement: °C
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen') }}"
        device_class: temperature

But you already have a temperature sensor, sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen so the template sensor shouldn’t even be needed, just customize that sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen entity with device_class: temperature.

Thanks for your answer. I put it in my config and the device popped up in GH. Unfortunately the response is still
Außentemperatur is OFF and it is 13°

I just want to get rid of this OFF statement.

Are you asking the correct sensor the question? Seems like you’re still asking about the thermostat. You have to ask the temperature sensor. You should probably rename the thermostat to have thermostat in the name.

Yes I am sure it is the right one. I renamed it meanwhile to “BLA” to be sure it is the right one.

After renaming to “BLA” the response is:
BLA is OFF and it is 13°

Then there’s not much you can do. That’s all handled by Google home. All home assistant does is present the sensor to google home, google home comes up with the response. Maybe you should start asking this question on google home forums about temperature sensors.

Well, with Google it is such a thing… In my experience, they only do what they want and are not really interested in other ideas…

If it would be possible to template the target_temp it would be perfect from my point of view. Due to the fact that this isn’t possible, I followed the suggestion of @tom_l. I have created an automation that updates the target temperature of Außentemperatur with every change of the measured temp of Außentemperatur.

Workaround solution is as followed:


  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Außentemperatur
    heater: input_boolean.dummy_thermostatschaler
    target_sensor: sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen
    initial_hvac_mode: heat


alias: Sync Außensensor (WORKAROUND)
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen
condition: []
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.temperatur_aussen
      temperature: '{{ states(''sensor.aqara_tempsensor_aussen'') }}'
mode: single

It works. So I will go this way for now :slight_smile:

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Turns out google home doesn’t support temperature sensors, so home assistant exposes them as climate devices.

So what’s the exact state of the climate device when you just get a phrase for the temperature as a response?

You have gone to a lot of trouble instead of just doing this:


Are you asking the correct sensor the question? Seems like you’re still asking about the thermostat. You have to ask the temperature sensor. You should probably rename the thermostat to have thermostat in the name.

Maybe I am misunderstanding “trouble” in this regard , but it was not my intention to cause trouble… Sorry for that!

EDIT Hmm… now the post of @tom_l is gone? :thinking:

It is like this:

Mode is “heading” and both temperatures are identical.
And yes it is an thermostat, what is okay for me as long as the response is just the temperature. I use google 99% by voice, its UI is secondary. As primary UI I am using HA.

I deleted it because it was based on incorrect information.

Seems to be so

However for me the problem is solved. Thanks for the support!