Platform: inkplate error

Today, my inkplate6 was in the mailbox. Unpacking and then testing…

i copied the sample code from the esphome website into the editor window as a starting point.

Crazy: In the platform definition at the left i have the red cross who tells me that the platform inkplate ist unkown.

Yes, i run esphome 1.16.0

Any thoughts about that.

Thanks, derTinu


I saw them inkplate and almost bought one.
There seems to be an error in the documentation.

It compiles with

  - platform: inkplate6
    id: inkplate_display
    greyscale: false
    partial_updating: false
    update_interval: 60s

You may have to also change the indentation also on the display part. It looked off.
I added to spaces on each row below “display:” I not sure if you have to do that.
I have no clue how to get the fonts in though. I just removed those and the lambda just to see if it compiled.
I hope you get it to work.
