Play a local mp3 file on Alexa Echo dot

Hi Schmandre,

Thanks for your input.

I’d appreciate if you could confirm if this configuration needs to go into the NGINX addon under the Custom Nginx Configuration box in the proxy host settings?

I’ve included there without success, but since I don’t understand what it does, I don’t if I need to adapt to my setup or if I can copy it literally.

Your help will be much appreciated.

After trying converting my mp3 files with the jovo site and audacity app with no success, I finally succeed to achieve a file that can be played with my echo device using the audio src command.
Here are the steps:
- Download the full version of ffmpeg for your operating system ( I did not try the essential version)
- extract it to a folder in your drive
- Using the command line, make sure your in the the folder where you extracted the ffmpeg and
run the command mentioned by @_dev_null in his post:

ffmpeg -y -i az.mp3 -ac 2 -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 48k -ar 16000 az-converted.mp3

If you are not comfortable with the command line, I would copy the mp3 file I want to convert to the same folder where the ffmpeg is located.


Hey guys,

Seeking some advice. I need brown noise to sleep, also got Tinnitus, so now I need a high pitch white noise as well :frowning:

Long story short, I want to combine them both (currently one is Spotify and the other is an Alexa skill) I want to create one file and play that instead of requiring two devices. What would be the best approach to this? I need to file to basically play on repeat until it I stop it.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

I tried a couple of online converters, and none worked, installed ffmpeg on windows (environment variable setting needed) and used the command quoted, then uploaded the file to a public web url and it worked great.

PD: No need to set Alexa to SSML, just using regular works with Node-Red

Glad to hear that the ffmpeg conversion worked for you!

Where in nginx proxy manager did you add this? And how?

Where and how did you add this in nginx proxy manager?

I think it refers to this:

I know, I use that. But My question is how to add that in there.


ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_ecdh_curve X25519:secp521r1:prime256v1:secp384r1;

Pretty straightforward, i do use the NGINX Proxy manager in Docker.

That’s not an answer to my question. Where did you add it then?

I use the NGINX Proxy manager in a Docker container
And i have Docker running on my Synology NAS.
Adding the config is done by going with the browser http://ip-of-nas:46081
But the 46081 is a port i assigned when installing NGINX.

I dont see how that has to do with “a normal” docker npm. What port is the 46081 referring to in the container?

It forwards to port 80 in the docker container (port 80 is allready used by the Synology)

That’s the GUI. Where in the GUI did you ad it?

In the “proxy hosts” section, just click on “add proxy host”

Sorry, this is leading nowhere. I know how to add a proxy host. The questionis:

Hi, did you add this in NPM (Proxy Manager)? If yes how and where did you? Please help

When using the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy:

Under configuration, set the customize field to true:

And create share/nginx_proxy_default.conf


ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_ecdh_curve X25519:secp521r1:prime256v1:secp384r1;

For me it started working

Also don’t forget to convert the audio file with

ffmpeg -y -i az.mp3 -ac 2 -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 48k -ar 16000 az-converted.mp3

In node-red you need

    "message": "<audio src='https://your_url/local/media/koekoeksklok-conv.mp3'/>",
    "data": {
        "type": "tts"
    "target": "media_player.your_echo_dot"

Hi! Thanks for the feedback. I do not use the HomeAsssitant addon,but installed on a separate server with docker… Do you perhaps know how to ad it there?

BUMP, any help greatly appreciated!