Play audio (local MP3 file) to a media_player

How to play a full folder ? Kindly guide

There is an official VLC add-on in the Settings > Add-ons > ADD-ON STORE.

This installs and runs the add-on under the HA OS. You may have to configure its inputs and outputs in the add-on’s Configuration tab. Then you start it (check the log tab for errors and if all looks good, enable the watchdog and start on boot).

With the add-on running (and this part is key), you go to Settings > Devices & Services, and should have the VLC telnet integration auto-discovered. You add it and there’s not much to do. Everything should just work out of the box - or at least it did for me on 3 HA OS installs so far.

If you’ve some VLC integration manual install pre-dating this, you may have to take it out and clean that up very thoroughly and redo this procedure.

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