Play local mp3 on Sonos error

For me, this is a life saver.
I have currently 5 sonos devices that now serve the purpose of our doorbell.
They however don’t ring simultaneous which I believe is “normal”, or I should group them first (but I think that will slow everything down too much).
What I do find annoying is that the local mp3 stays in the playlist :slight_smile: so after the playlist is done, we hear the doorbell.m3a again.
Does anyone have a fix for that?

Yes you could join them together. That’s what I do, iIf they are not playing.

Are you setting announce to True? This prevents it from being added to the queue and plays it over whatever is currently playing.

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You already nailed it I think.
I now used Enqueued (and then offcourse it’s normal that it queue’s the file, stupid of me), I changed it to announced and set the toggle to on.
It’s too late to test now, kids are already sleeping, will try tomorrow.