Please allow for ccf for gas consumption measurements in the Energy dashboard

No, I just went back to ft³ and ignored the units.

I think I figured it out, when creating the gas sensor from reading I convert my original reading to CCF by dividing by 100 (my reading from itron meter is in cubic feet ft³, ie: 400125 ft³ ):

- name: "Xcel Gas Meter Reading"
  state_topic: "dietpi/SCMplus/ID"
  unit_of_measurement: "CCF"
  force_update: true
  value_template: '{{ value_json.Consumption /100}}'
  unique_id: "xcel_gas_meter_reading"
  device_class: gas
  state_class: total

Then when adding to Energy board, HA will again auto convert this CCF and display gas unit in ft³, but in other places it will just display as 4001 CCF as how I created the sensor. I had to do a full reboot after adding gas source to Energy,. This explains the issue I had earlier when I keep my reading sensor as ft³ (400125) and not convert to CCF by /100, then when adding to Energy board, HA will again multiply 400125 by 100 (cause it’s thinking the gas source is in CCF).

This is my dashboard:

xzelz, thanks for this info. I think you confirmed what I was confused about. my gas company also transmit data in cubic feet ft³. so I was dividing by 100, with a unit of measurement of CCF, but then HA energy was displaying in cubic feet ft³ and had me confused even though in states it shows as CCF. is this working for you since you made the change? my config is below - what is the diff between ‘total_increasing’ vs. ‘total’?
also, what does force_update: true do?

- name: "Gas Meter Consumption"
  state_topic: "rtl_433/433/devices/SCMplus/9923/Consumption"
  unique_id: "gas_meter_consumption"
  device_class: 'gas'
  state_class: 'total_increasing'
  unit_of_measurement: "CCF"
  value_template: "{{ value | float / 100 }}"