Please Help! How to Permanently Ignore Auto-Discovered Homekit Component Notification?

Hey guys, hoping someone can help me out here. I don’t have any Apple/Homekit devices, and will not be purchasing any, yet HA constantly is autodiscovering (via zeroconf, from my reading?) my Rachio sprinkler system (which I already have integrated with HA under that component) as an Apple homekit accessory.

My question is how on earth do I get rid of this notification permanently without completely disabling discovery or zeroconf or whatever? It’s driving me crazy as it’s constantly recurring every time I reboot HA or whatever. I don’t see any option in the discovery component to ignore ‘homekit’, and I don’t even have the ‘zeroconf:’ entered anywhere in my configuration.yaml file. I don’t see any related entity that I can ignore either. See attached pics for what I’m seeing if I hit “check it out” then “configure”. What can I do here?




There’s a thread about this here:

So basically there’s no way to remove or disable it right now is what I’m seeing. Am I reading that correctly?

Right now the best workaround I have is to actually try and complete the HomeKit pairing.

Except I can’t, as seen in the 3rd picture :frowning: Presumably because I’m already using the Rachio component maybe?

You could add your weight to this:

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Done! Really stupid that there’s no solution for such a seemingly simple item :frowning: Hopefully something comes of it. Thanks!

EDIT: Figured it out with the help of a kind individual on Reddit. I didn’t have zeroconf: or anything explicitly enabled in my config, but I did have default_config: entered so it was getting added through that. I removed that and added only the things I wanted from it, and the blasted notification has vanished! Whooohoooo!


Thanks tom_l. I don’t use github but this issue is rather important to me. I’ll lurk that thread but it seems jc2k has already covered my gripes.

I’m an equal opportunity hater. While I hate apple and anything they touch, I also can’t stand microsoft. Since MS bought out github, all of my coding has been moved over to my own private server.

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I don’t even have the default_config enabled but the zeroconf still is added by default and the dreaded message is still there.

I have no HomeKit devices, but do have a Lutron Bridge that I control locally. I got tired of the constant, persistent notification, so I did as follows:

  1. forked and downloaded the Home Assistant source from github.
  2. copied zeroconf folder to custom_components directory within .homeassistant directory (/config for hassio).
  3. edited (two undersores before and after init), and added “return True” as first line after “def handle_homekit(hass, info) -> bool:”
  4. restarted hass

That worked for me, and seems to have no complications. However, I’m not a developer, and do not claim that I know what I am doing.

Don’t forget to remove the custom component if the real developers resolve this and change zeroconf.

You could have done this without forking. Custom components folder copying the HomeKit component and deleting the contents of all the setup methods

Holy Guacamole… That did the trick!!!

configuration.yaml snippet:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

I was ready to blow my brains out if it notified one more time that Google Chromecast was ready to configure.


Yea! Now I can trust Home Assistant to tell me when there’s something I need to be notified about, instead of always assuming it just wants to set up my Rachio again, using homekit this time.

@tom_l nice idea! But, I have a similar niggling problem, since it turns out my LG television in a late model and LG are not fully supporting Homekit in that model. It turns out your television is detected but won’t connect - really annoying. When I pulled the thread, I found a petition site where people with the later models of LG televisions can petition LG to sort address this pain.

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Just in case anyone still has this issue (like myself) here is automation that automatically discards persistent notifications that are matching text pattern:

alias: discard notification
description: ""
  - platform: persistent_notification
      - added
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ 'in the Home App, scan the QR code or enter the following code' in
      trigger.notification.message }}
  - service: persistent_notification.dismiss
      notification_id: "{{ trigger.notification.notification_id }}"

In my case I wanted to ignore notifications about adding devices of HA into Homekit, but you can change the value_template string to anything you need :slight_smile: