Please recommend wi-fi contact sensor with AA or AAA batteries

I’m getting unreliable zigbee coverage on my garage door Aqara contact sensors and would like to see whether a wi-fi sensor with beefier batteries will be less frustrating to use. Please recommend if you have used one with HA. Thanks.

I use the Shelly DW2 sensors. I initially had problems (see here), but they have been working fine for over 8 months now with very little battery drain - I suspect a firmware upgrade solved the battery issues.

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As a cheaper option you might want to look into a Zigbee repeater instead (eg. from Ikea). Zigbee battery beats wifi battery any day.


+1 what Michael is saying & you might also have a look at this (if you didn’t already): Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

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Thanks, yes, I have a zigbee router only a few feet away, with only air between it and the sensors. But I’m getting rather tired of continually debugging my zigbee network and, as my Shelly relays are faultless I decided it might be time to try a wi-fi alternative… more as an experiment than anything else. The DW2 sounds like it might be worth a go if the batteries hold up.