Plotly interactive Graph Card

Oh right, I misread the data format. This may be more like it:

 - entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_fi_eur_3_10_024
     - fn: |
        ({meta}) => ({
           xs:{ start }) => new Date(start)),
           ys:{ value }) => value),
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Thank you very much, it appears to work now!


In relation to Plotly interactive Graph Card - #526 by MaxJoseph

I think I need to format my data as a 2D array, but I am not sure how to figure a filter to achieve this.



Oh sorry, I forgot about your question.

Do you mean this one?

Thanks. Really appreaciate this. Keep on the good work and have a nice 2024.

btw: is this the correct code for the pic?

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If you mean this

It is here, it is a 2d histogram

Thanks! You too!
I think the previous answer applies to your question too

Thank you for this add-on.

I’ve got a few noob questions. I’ve gone through all the documentation but can’t seem to understand things… I’m finding it a bit overwhelming.

#1 I have a basic line graph with the following YAML:

type: custom:plotly-graph
  - entity: sensor.solar_wind_phi_angle
hours_to_show: 72
refresh_interval: 10
logarithmic_scale: false
    fill: tozeroy

“sensor.solar_wind_phi_angle” is just a angular (degrees) value between 0 and 360.

Is it possible to colour any parts of the line with values between 0 and 219 in red, and between 220 and 360 as blue?

Alternatively, I could use the “fill: tozeroy”, if I can just specify 220 as the value instead of zero y. Is this possible? e.g. “fill: to220y”?

#2. I don’t understand how to use any of the other types of display options. For example, the histogram in your comment a few days ago.

I read the sample code provided, and simply changed the three sensors to my own pressure/temp/humidity sensors. However, I get a “no type provided” error when I try to enter it into the card configuration, despite line 19 containing “type: histogram2dcontour”. I am unable to click the save button as it is greyed out at this point.

Could you please explain how I can use the other graph types?

#3. The top of your Github post shows a number of example plot types, such as the 3D line graph of humidity, temperature, and pressure. Do these have specific names? Is there a list of all “type” options somewhere?

#4 - I note the “hours_to_show” option (I have set 72 hours on the above example). This, of course, only loads the last 72 hours of data into the plot. Is it possible to load more data (preferably, all the data stored by Home Assistant for that sensor), but set a default display range (e.g. display the last 2 hours to begin with and allow the user to then zoom out to see earlier data)?

#5 - Is it possible to manually specify the range of the Y axis? I have a sensor that has only been running for the last 24 hours, and the value of that sensor has been hovering around 350. However, based on previous sensors, I expect it will have values between 250 and 900. Right now, the graph loads with a y-axis range of 330-370. However, these values can be considered low for this specific sensor, so it isn’t intuitive having the y-axis restricted like this. Having it manually set to e.g. 250-900 would allow me to intuitively see that the line is in the lower range (when the readings are around 350, as they are now).

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi there @DaveTSG !

Unfortunately no. Plotly doesn’t support it as far as I know. I think apex charts does.

Only through workarounds using the same entity multiple times with different time_offset, storing them in vars and processing them via filters.

Yes, google “set y axis range in plotly”.

See Plotly javascript graphing library in JavaScript

You could add a transparent entity with a constant value of 220 and use fill: tonexty

I feel you, the price of flexibility is a steep learning curve. Try googling “how to x with plotlyjs” and navigate around in the Discussions section of this card’s repo.
For specific things, you can open a new q&a topic in the repo and get help there :slight_smile:

Hello everyone
Happy new year.
, I would re
I really don’t understand the logic behind filters.
If somebody could give me a hint, I would reaaly appreciate.

in a graph, I want to show the power but limited to the value of the temperature if the power is above 100.
I’ve tried the following syntax w/o success.

What should I modify ?*
Many thanks

  - entity: sensor.parents_power
    name: Power
    yaxis: y1
    fill: tozeroy
      - map_y: 'state.state > 100 ? sensor.parents_temperature : 0'
      color: blue
      width: 0.2

You need to use the resample filter on both so the arrays are aligned (i.e. each index points to the same date on both), and then the store_var filter on the secondary entity.

This way you can access both histories from within the filters of one.

I suggest you visit the discussions section of the repository and see the examples there. It requires some thought but it will hopefully click after that :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’ll post in the repo’s discussion board. :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot ! It works fine

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This thread and the examples in it have been a huge help! Maybe I can return the favor for someone out there by sharing where I’m at with my graph of room temps and HVAC stuff.

Is there a way to limit the X-axis panning to a specific range? I’ll often end up panning or zooming to a mostly blank graph of future time.


type: custom:plotly-graph
hours_to_show: 24
refresh_interval: auto
autorange_after_scroll: true
    show_value: false
      width: 2
    yaxis: 'y'
    fixedrange: true
  - entity: sensor.temp_sensor_1_temperature_2
    name: Bedroom
      color: green
  - entity: sensor.temp_sensor_2_temperature_2
    name: MBR
      color: dodgerblue
  - entity: sensor.temp_sensor_3_temperature_2
    name: Front Office
      color: chocolate
  - entity: sensor.temp_sensor_5_temperature_2
    name: Playroom
      color: 8F54D3
  - entity: sensor.temp_sensor_4_temperature_2
    name: Living Room
      color: gold
  - entity: climate.alarm_com_smart_thermostat
    attribute: current_temperature
    name: Thermostat
    unit_of_measurement: °F
      color: lightgray
      width: 1
    opacity: 0.6
  - entity: climate.alarm_com_smart_thermostat
    attribute: target_temp_low
    name: Target Low
    unit_of_measurement: °F
      color: red
      dash: dot
      width: 1
    opacity: 0.6
  - entity: climate.alarm_com_smart_thermostat
    attribute: target_temp_high
    name: Target High
    unit_of_measurement: °F
      color: blue
      dash: dot
      width: 1
    visible: false
  - entity: climate.alarm_com_smart_thermostat
    attribute: hvac_action
    name: Heating
      - map_y: 'y === "heating" ? 150 : 0'
    yaxis: y2
    fill: tozeroy
    fillcolor: rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.3)
      color: tomato
      width: 0
  - entity: climate.alarm_com_smart_thermostat
    attribute: hvac_action
    name: Cooling
      - map_y: 'y === "cooling" ? 150 : 0'
    yaxis: y2
    fill: tozeroy
    fillcolor: rgba(4, 90, 150, 0.2)
      color: rgba(4, 90, 150, 0.2)
      width: 0
  - entity: sensor.openweathermap_temperature
    name: Outdoor
    yaxis: y2
    fill: tozeroy
    fillcolor: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.15)
      color: white
      width: 0
    t: 50
    l: 15
  showlegend: false
    x: 0.1
    'y': -0.8
    side: right
      color: lightgray
    autorange_after_scroll: true
    autorange: true
    showgrid: true
    side: left
    visible: false
    overlaying: 'y'
    tickmode: sync
      - 0
      - 150
    tickangle: 0
      color: lightgray
    tickformat: |-
      %b %d
    hoverformat: '%I:%M%p'
      bgcolor: rgba(0,0,0,.45)
      x: 0.01
      'y': 0.03
        - count: 12
          step: hour
        - count: 18
          step: hour
        - count: 24
          step: hour
        - count: 36
          step: hour
        - count: 72
          step: hour
    - text: |-
        $fn ({hass}) =>
          "<span style='font-size: 24px;'><span style='color: green'>"
          + Math.round(hass.states['sensor.temp_sensor_1_temperature_2'].state) + "</span></span>ºF<br>"
          +  "</span><span style=''>Bedroom</span><br>"
      xref: x domain
      yref: y domain
      xanchor: center
      yanchor: center
      x: 0.06
      'y': 1.3
      showarrow: false
    - text: |-
        $fn ({hass}) =>
          "<span style='font-size: 24px;'><span style='color: dodgerblue'>"
          + Math.round(hass.states['sensor.temp_sensor_2_temperature_2'].state) + "</span></span>ºF<br>"
          +  "</span><span style=''>MBR</span><br>"
      xref: x domain
      yref: y domain
      xanchor: center
      yanchor: center
      x: 0.27
      'y': 1.3
      showarrow: false
    - text: |-
        $fn ({hass}) =>
          "<span style='font-size: 24px;'><span style='color: chocolate'>"
          + Math.round(hass.states['sensor.temp_sensor_3_temperature_2'].state) + "</span></span>ºF<br>"
          +  "</span><span style=''>Front Office</span><br>"
      xref: x domain
      yref: y domain
      xanchor: center
      yanchor: center
      x: 0.51
      'y': 1.3
      showarrow: false
    - text: |-
        $fn ({hass}) =>
          "<span style='font-size: 24px;'><span style='color: #8F54D3'>"
          + Math.round(hass.states['sensor.temp_sensor_5_temperature_2'].state) + "</span></span>ºF<br>"
          +  "</span><span style=''>Playroom</span><br>"
      xref: x domain
      yref: y domain
      xanchor: center
      yanchor: center
      x: 0.75
      'y': 1.3
      showarrow: false
    - text: |-
        $fn ({hass}) =>
          "<span style='font-size: 24px;'><span style='color: gold'>"
          + Math.round(hass.states['sensor.temp_sensor_4_temperature_2'].state) + "</span></span>ºF<br>"
          +  "</span><span style=''>Living Room</span><br>"
      xref: x domain
      yref: y domain
      xanchor: center
      yanchor: center
      x: 0.99
      'y': 1.3
      showarrow: false

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I’ve just installed Plotly and it seems to be doing exactly what I want.
I must admit that I’m not really sure where to get the documentation for it other than looking at the example and guessing.
Anyway, I have managed to get my gas usage plot by month with the following yaml:

type: custom:plotly-graph
  - entity: sensor.daily_gas_consumption
    type: bar
    statistic: sum
    period: month
    name: Monthly
    texttemplate: '%{y}'
      - filter: x < new Date( - 1000*60*60*24*31)
  - entity: sensor.daily_gas_consumption
    type: bar
    statistic: sum
    period: month
    name: This Month
    texttemplate: '%{y}'
      - filter: x > new Date( - 1000*60*60*24*31)
refresh_interval: 30
hours_to_show: 6M
      'y': 1.2
        - count: 1
          step: month
        - count: 3
          step: month
        - count: 6
          step: month

and it works well (although much of it is copied without full understanding).
However when I change the button to (say) 1 month, it would be great if I could somehow change the ‘period’ to be ‘week’.
Is there a way?

Happy to hear you find it useful!
There’s a way, see GitHub - dbuezas/lovelace-plotly-graph-card: Highly customisable Lovelace card to plot interactive graphs. Brings scrolling, zooming, and much more!

The period can be set to auto or custom ranges for each period can be defined

Hello everyone - having trouble with the color scheme of the card itself.

By default the card background is black

If I add
paper_bgcolor: transparent
plot_bgcolor: transparent

I get this

I want the card on the right to use the same color scheme (driven by theme) as the card on the left here for illustration purposes.

Can someone help ?

Thanks !

Try rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) instead of transparent

Thank you - much better !

How about formatting the legend so it does not hide under the buttons (1h, 1d, 7d) and also changing the styling of those, black font for instance to improve visibility ?

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

found it :slight_smile:

added in layout section

y: 1.5