You can either set a fixed range, remove datapoints or leave auto range on. That’s it for the moment
I really appreaciate your help. That works (almost).
Can you tell me why there are no horizontal grid lines in the lower graph?
I don’t know why that’s happening, try google or chatgpt on how to force a specific grid spacing.
How do I find the possible options working under Plotly Card?
The translation is simple: instead of javascript object, use yaml notation. I suggest you try with plotlyjs instead of plotly python, the translation is more direct: write yaml instead of js objects. You can google or ask ChatGPT “how to xyz in plotlyjs”.
In JS, plotly gets 3 parameters: data, layout and config. Data is the entities, layout is layout and config is config. There are a bunch of extra features I added, which are in the readme of the repo.
Also, use the example index linked in the repo
many thanks.
I found a parameter “showgrid: true” which fixes the y-grid lines in the lower graph.
May I ask you another question?
I have a signal of states (_txt) which I want to show in a plotly graph as a subplot - as shown in the picture using a history-graph which, of course, is independent of the plotly graph below. But I would like to zoom all three graphs together.
Is it possible with plotly to re-create the history-card as shown so that I can add it as a subplot?
Many thanks for your help.
For reference the yaml of the history card:
- type: history-graph
- entity: sensor.eu08l_hp1_operating_state_txt
name: Mod.
- entity: sensor.eu08l_hp1_request_type_txt
name: Req.
title: Betriebsmodus
hours_to_show: 168
I found a parameter “showgrid: true” which fixes the y-grid lines in the lower graph.
Well done! I wonder what deactivated it in the first place?
Is it possible with plotly to re-create the history-card as shown so that I can add it as a subplot?
Maybe, i never tried
What a great card, I cannot believe, I just found it… Thank you very much!
But, as with most “new” things, I already could use your oppinion.
What I’m after is some kind of graph, to show a “comfort zone”. I’m using the Thermal Comfort integration (forum thread | Github) and want to show, preferrably in 3D, if the actual values are in that comfort zone.
I’m thinking about using a scatter3D. Do you have other ideas, what to use or how to show something like this?
Thanks for your help (and again for the card)!
Maybe heatmaps?
You may find inspiration in the examples index: lovelace-plotly-graph-card/ at c43112dd9dcb9d4249b6eaf81c44954a609334d6 · dbuezas/lovelace-plotly-graph-card · GitHub
That’s a good idea, I’ll try that, thank you!
I saw that massive example section, and already found two other Apex-charts that I want to replace with examples from that page…
I’ll tinker around with it, and I’m sure I’ll be back with stupid questions!
Thanks and have a good start in the upcoming week!
From the documentation of Plotly i can see that barcornerradius is an option:
But when I add it in the yaml it does not work. Can this be because it recently was added to Plotly?
I tried the following two options without succes
type: custom:plotly-graph
- entity: sensor.people_in_hallway
type: bar
cornerradius: 15
barcornerradius: 20%
You’re right with your guess, the version of Plotly
that is used by this card is 2.18.1 (see here), but the cornerradius
is only available since 2.29.0 (see here).
I can’t say if this works out of the box, if the Plotly version is updated, but with the version used in this card, it is def. not available atm. Sorry!
I would like to produce a heatmap or histogram2d similar to the following that shows per hour blocks of exported electricity. Has anybody produced something similar?
I want to plot the percentage charge of my solar panel battery. It is set up so that it will always be between 40% and 100%. Therefore simply plotting the values means I have a large space under the plot the whole time.
I’ve tried a ‘- map_y_numbers’ function to subtract 40 but that alters the ‘y’ scale as well.
Is there a way that I can only display the values from 40 to 100 while keeping the Y scale from 40 to 100 as well? (Something like the ‘time_offset’ but for the Y axis.)
Edit: I think I found it:
fixedrange: true
- 40
- 100
Hello to everyone, i need your help.
i’ve a graph with: solar elevation, solar lux and precipitation (past and forecasted). The problem is that Y axis are mixed and negative solar elevation appears above the other data. Someone can help me fix this? or, how can i apply a filter to remove <0 elevation? i’ve a similar problem when precipitations (past and forecasted) are zero, its yaxis go in the middle of the graph.
i mean, zero should be zero for each axis
type: custom:plotly-graph
- entity: sensor.sun_solar_elevation
showlegend: false
fill: tozeroy
fillcolor: rgba(255, 255, 128, 0.2)
color: rgba(255, 230, 128, 1)
width: 1
- entity: sensor.ecowitt_ws2900_solar_lux
showlegend: false
fill: tozeroy
fillcolor: rgba(255, 181, 129, 0.7)
color: rgba(255, 145, 138, 0.9)
width: 1
- entity: sensor.ecowitt_ws2900_hourly_rain_rate
fillcolor: rgba(31, 119, 180,.6)
color: rgba(31, 119, 180, 1)
legendgroup: 1
showlegend: false
name: 🌧 Precipitation
- store_var: precipitation
fill: tozeroy
- entity: sensor.weather_channel_forecast_hourly
legendgroup: 1
showlegend: false
name: Precipitation
fill: tozeroy
fillcolor: rgba(31, 119, 180,.3)
color: rgba(31, 119, 180, 1)
dash: dot
unit_of_measurement: mm
- fn: |-
({ meta, vars }) => ({
xs: [vars.precipitation.xs.slice(-1)[0],{ datetime }) => new Date(datetime))],
ys: [vars.precipitation.ys.slice(-1)[0],{ precipitation }) => precipitation)],
- entity: ''
name: Now
showlegend: false
width: 2
dash: dot
color: rgba(144, 191, 255, 0.9)
x: $ex [,]
- 0
- 10
time_offset: 8h
hours_to_show: 24
refresh_interval: 10
autosize: true
autoexpand: true
family: Geologica
'y': 1.1
- count: 7
step: day
- count: 3
step: day
- count: 1
step: day
- count: 12
step: hour
thanks you all in advance
This example is relevant: Heatmap of 30-Panel Solar Array's Current States · dbuezas/lovelace-plotly-graph-card · Discussion #277 · GitHub
I guess you want the zero on all axes to be in the same place, right?
There’s unfortunately no feature in plotly for that, you may want to watch this issue: Multi values graph do not share same ZERO · Issue #4712 · plotly/ · GitHub
Thanks so much, i will follow it. for the moment i’ve removed the tozeroy filling and seems the problem is “fixed”.
Hi, I’m noticing one strange bheavior in my graphs.
I use HA on PC, tablet and smartphone, on PC and smartphone the data are always correct but on tablet, wich is always on with HA running (with connection closes after 5 minutes) some times the graph is not updated correctly. if I reload HA the graph are show correctly
is there some parameter to clear cache before loading data? or something like that?
For water useage I have a chart with bars with historic use each hour. Now I am trying to change the hoverlegend timestamp. The stamp is now “21 aug 2024, 02:00”
The stamp that I am trying to create is ma 21 aug 2024, 02:00 - 03:00
For the entity I used the hovertemplate: "%{y:.0f}L"
I tried to add the date by the entity with hovertemplate: "%{x|%a %e %b %Y, %H:00}-HH %{y:.0f}L"
, but then it is added to the entity only and not changed for the “hover legend”.
- Can I change the timestamp somewhere in the layout and not only for the entity so I can change the stamp of the total hover legend?
- How can I perform calculations to make the “HH” + 1 hour?
Does someone have a example or idea how to change it or point me in a direction what to use?
I need your help for my plotty graph
I do not understand why plotty merge November and December in “the month view”
type: custom:plotly-graph
hours_to_show: 4920
barmode: overlay
visible: true
fixedrange: true
autorange_after_scroll: true
rangegmode: tozero
- entity: sensor.gaz_total_usage_daily_hp
points_per_hour: 1
barmode: overlay
statistic: state
0m: day
100d: month
100w: month
autorange_after_scroll: true
type: bar
yaxis: 'y'
base: 0
unit_of_measurement: m3
name: Cette année
texttemplate: '%{y:0.1f} m3'
connectgaps: true
show_value: false
fill: tozeroy
- filter: i>0
color: rgba(255, 100, 100, 0.6)
- entity: sensor.gaz_total_usage_daily_hp
barmode: overlay
statistic: state
0m: day
100d: month
100w: month
points_per_hour: 1
time_offset: 366d
autorange_after_scroll: true
type: bar
yaxis: 'y'
base: 0
unit_of_measurement: m3
name: L'année dernière
texttemplate: '%{y:0.1f} m3'
connectgaps: false
fill: tozeroy
show_value: false
zero_y_every: d
- filter: i>0
color: rgba(255, 255, 100, 0.4)
- entity: ''
name: Now
yaxis: y9
showlegend: false
width: 1
dash: dot
color: deepskyblue
x: $ex [,]
- 0
- 1
EDIT : One more question Does plotty handle leap year ? Everything is one day shift …
EDIT 2 :
On July, plotty on month view do not detect any data ( only green bar ). Why ?
Check in the standard statistics card if the monthly statistics are not actually broken in your db