Plotly interactive Graph Card

Yes, that bothers me too. The underlying plotting library is missing a couple of basic mobile support features, which are tracked here: Mobile interactions wishlist · Issue #1858 · plotly/plotly.js · GitHub

I missed pinch to zoom too much so I implemented (a basic version of) it in the card myself.
It may be possible for me to simulate a mouse hover event from a touch tap myself too, feel free to leave a feature request in the repo, I will take it when I feel like tinkering with touch events again :).

@mateine there is a way to have disabled some entities by default like in the pic, first 4 entity active and the other disactive

Yes, add this to the entities you want to be hidden by default:

visible: 'legendonly'

Is there a way to show the current series value in the header where the legend is or adjust layout to avoid the overlapping issue?


I don’t think so, no. There’s an upcoming feature that will allow arbitrary functions everywhere, when I finish it this will be possible.

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is there a way to specify the bacground color of the X axis controls?
no matter what theme I use, its unuseable:

BTW, I use this graphing system extensively and LOVE it. HUGE step up from the buggy Apex charts

Thank you for the kind words :slight_smile:
There are extra parameters for that see here: Layout.xaxis in JavaScript
If you add a feature request to set them automatically, I’ll pick it sooner or later :slight_smile:


I am playing with filters, seems great :wink: thx
I plot energy consumption from a total_increasing sensor over certain periods.
the difficulty is to start the graph from zero at the begining of the period, I mean subtracting from all y the first y value.
with the previous version of plotly, I was doing :

  - entity: sensor.total_increasing_sensor
    statistic: sum
    period: hour
    lambda: |-
      (ys, xs) => {
        start = ys[0]
        y = => {
          return y-start
        } )
        return { x: xs, y:y}

With the new filters, I made this:

  - entity: sensor.total_increasing_sensor
    statistic: sum
    period: hour
      - force_numeric
      - fn: |-
          ({xs, ys, meta, states, statistics, hass}) => {
            return { ys: => y - ys[0]) } }

It does save a few lines, but I have the feeling that it could be simpler.
Have I missed something ?
Perhaps adding a new filter ‘start_y_zero’ or ‘shift_y_zero’ or ‘- add: -ys[0]’.

What do you think ?

yeah, I like that! Can you open a feature request issue so I pick it up when I’m through with the requests in the queue?

I’m having trouble scaling one of my plots.

The red line is a binary sensor-on/off. I want it scaled so I can see at what point it turns on when the temp triggers it. It shows this

If I slide my finger I can line it up the way I want it, but I’d like it to show this way by default.

type: custom:plotly-graph
    texttemplate: <b> %{y}</b> %{customdata.unit_of_measurement}
    show_value: true
hours_to_show: 4
  - entity: binary_sensor.house_stoke_fire_flag
    yaxis: y3
    show_value: true
    right_margin: 40
      - multiply: 0.1
      color: red
      dash: dashdot
  - entity: sensor.esph_house_stove_pipe_temp
    name: Pipe Temp Lambda Smoothing applied
    yaxis: y1
      right_margin: 40
      color: blue
      shape: spline
      width: 1
      smoothing: 1
    lambda: |-
      (ys, xs) => {
        const MINUTES = 10 // <-- change here

        const window_size_ms = 1000*60*MINUTES 
        const result = {x:[], y:[]}
        let x_next = +xs[0] + window_size_ms
        let y_accum = 0
        let y_count = 0
        for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
          const x = +xs[i]
          const y = +ys[i]
          if (x>x_next){
            result.x.push(new Date(x_next))
            y_accum = 0
            y_count = 0
            x_next = +x + window_size_ms
          if (y){
            // ignore unavailable/unknown state points
            y_accum += y
            y_count ++
        return result;
  - entity: sensor.esph_house_stove_pipe_temp
    unit_of_measurement: Pipe Temp
    yaxis: y1
    show_value: true
    right_margin: 40
      color: aqua
      shape: spline
      width: 1
      smoothing: 0
refresh_interval: 10
    width: 1
  height: 500
    zeroline: false
    fixedrange: true
      - 150
      - 250
    gridcolor: whitesmoke
    fixedrange: false
    zeroline: false
      - 150
      - 250
    gridcolor: whitesmoke
    zeroline: true
    fixedrange: false
    ygap: 1
    rows: 1
    columns: 1
    pattern: coupled
    roworder: top to bottom
      bgcolor: '#474747'
      'y': 1.2
        - count: 30
          step: minute
        - count: 1
          step: hour
        - count: 2
          step: hour
        - count: 3
          step: hour
        - count: 12
          step: hour
        - count: 1
          step: day
        - count: 2
          step: day
        - count: 7
          step: day

I really love this graphing pkg! It’s slick.

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So you want that the on off sensor draws a horizontal line at height of the temperature sensor when the sensor toggles?

By the way, you should switch to filters, way easier than the deprecated lambdas. Smoothing is just one line :slight_smile:

BTW, if you want that intersection I mentioned above, then I don’t think you can at the moment. You’ll have to wait a couple of days for the new release with universal functions. Then you can combine data from multiple entities.
Until then, the only option I see is make a template entity that is 0 if the binary sensor is off, and TEMPERATURE if the binary sensor is on.

Interesting, I hadn’t thought of a template sensor. Ill give that a try

v3.0.0 Beta version available

Feedback welcome in the discussion


By the way, all plots are interactive


Wow! This will open the door to so much more understanding. Awesome!

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v3.0.0 is out! Looking forward to see what awesome plots the community comes up with!


Thanks so much. I will try to test a lot of thinks as soon as I can.

Thank you!
I wanted to ask if there is option to display only current day (starting from 12:00a.m) in x-axis?