Thank you very much for your advice.
If you check my ideas, mentioned options, they are based exactly on “not to rely on HA”. In fact, HA is not even mentioned in my setup. The reason to use LAN, ESP32s and “interconnect them” directly via ModBus, CanBus, HTTP, ESP-NOW alternative, or in worst case via separate MQTT is to have fully functional standalone smart devices. The issue is, that “input” comes from “rooms”, and “output” will be executed in “technical room”. Since no reliable TCP interconnection method is known for ESPHome (only questionable HTTP requests), i try to find the best way.
Well, the point is you put to much faith in technology (not bring rude here)
In your planned setup there is some control from somewhere from something. That will fail in the future due to a config failure, esp32 failure and esp32 aren’t sold anymore (think about that) or any other obscure reason. It will fail and it will be at a worse time. I learned this the hard way. In a situation like that it is so nice to have the ability to switch at least the lights with a (touch) switch until the problem is fixed…
But it’s my opinion and I am still happily married despite all the failures we had and not all where my fault.
AshaiRey - from one perspective, you are absolutely right ! From my point of view, “too much faith in technology” would be relying only on (for instance) HA, without any other options "as standalone ESP, or turning manually relay on via switch or webinterface on Shelly. I have here different background : we have smart (and i say nearly autonomous) flat approx 8years. Because of this, because im in IT for nearly two decades - my wife told me, that i HAVE TO find a solution, if we finally get our house As i wrote, your opinion is absolutely right, but i think i can avoid disastrous scenarious and deliver some successful setup. But I also like to hear other opinions, solutions and advice, like yours
You can’t predict future, 25 years ago nobody took wifi seriously. Or how would it be here if Espressif never existed? How would it be if tomorrow all China chips are banned by law? For the future I personally wouldn’t invest in anything else than empty PVC- conduits. Lot of them. Everywhere.