POLL: Should I continue supporting iOS 9 and possibly even 10?

Do the new JavaScript from 0.59 works fine with iOS 10? I’m having problems with an iPhone 5 (only title bar loaded, no contents). I have not investigated, just gave up using it.

Same here actually. I’m on an iPhone 6S running iOS 10.3.3 and since the update to 0.60, the app doesn’t load the frontend. Does that have to do with the new JavaScript?

UPDATE: I found a solution here.

Thanks, you’re right. There must be a bug in the “auto” browser detection that thinks Safari on iOS 10 is capable of understanding the new javascript, when it needs the legacy version. There is already an issue on github, let’s hope it would be solved in the next release.


I know I am coming late to the discussion here, but I would like to chime in for supporting iOS 9/10. I run a small business refurbishing Apple devices. So I see a lot of old devices discarded even though they still run simply because there is no longer software support.

A big part of why I started my business was to help prevent e-waste by refurbishing or repurposing old hardware. I think it is a shame to send these devices to the recycler when they still work fine. I would love to have another suggestion to give people looking for a way to use their iOS 9/10 devices.

All that being said, I do respect your finite time/resources to develop the app, and if iOS9/10 support must be dropped I will not die.

And thank you for all your work on this app it has been a game changer for hass acceptance in my household.

This is false. I run multiple jailbroken 6 and up devices