Pollen information

can anyone send this over to me please?

Hello everyone!

Where can I find the API url?!

Hej! Skulle behöva API kod men jag undrar om det täcker alla städer/områden? Tack för hand :grin:

Hey! Can I also get the URL please? :sweat_smile:

Could someone please provide ‘secret url’?

Hi everybody.

How do I get the secret URL to the integration “Pollenprognos”?

I’d like the secret URL please :smiley:
Couldn’t find a way to PM… Maby it isn’t supported on mobile browser?

This integration and card look very promising indeed but I’d need the secret URL for it to work. Are you supposed to ask for it here or somewhere else?

Are you also interested in getting the url to the Pollen forecast?

The secret key? Anyone please?

Hey @JohNan I’m looking for the secret URL (I live in Sweden so the limitation is fine for me).

Key ? api ?

Hej @JohNan ,

Can I get the API url ? Thanks

I think I have replied to everyone. For everyone else in need of the url I suggest that you take a look at this commit and you should find what you are looking for: Removes API stuff (#28) · JohNan/homeassistant-pollenprognos@e751514 · GitHub

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If some one to get URL api - copy that link =>

Hi @JohNan

I made an update to your automation notification, not sure if it’s better or worse but it’s an alternative.

alias: Daily Pollen Report
description: Sends a daily report of pollen levels at 8 AM for today and tomorrow.
  - platform: time
    at: "08:00:00"
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_mk
      title: Dagens och Morgondagens Pollennivåer 🌼
      message: >
        {% set ns = namespace(today=[], tomorrow=[]) %} {% for state in
        states.sensor %}
          {% if state.entity_id.startswith('sensor.pollen_malmo_') %}
            {% set today_val = state.state | int %}
            {% set tomorrow_val = state.attributes['Imorgon'] | int %}
            {% if today_val > 0 %}
              {% set ns.today = ns.today + [state.name + ": nivå " + state.state | string] %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if tomorrow_val > 0 %}
              {% set ns.tomorrow = ns.tomorrow + [state.name + ": nivå " + (state.attributes['Imorgon'] | string)] %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %} God morgon! Här är dagens pollennivåer: {% if ns.today %}
          {{ ns.today | join(', ') }}
        {% else %}
          Inga signifikanta nivåer idag.
        {% endif %} Och för imorgon: {% if ns.tomorrow %}
          {{ ns.tomorrow | join(', ') }}
        {% else %}
          Inga signifikanta nivåer imorgon.
        {% endif %}
initial_state: true
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Trying to send a PM to the ones who might have the URL for the API.
Can someone send me one, because I can’t see the button for a PM? :smiley:

I would also like the URL for API, thanks in advance!

Does anyone have the secret url, and would like to share? :slight_smile:

Found it :slight_smile: