Pool pump speed control - easy way?

Has anyone been able to get their pump to start on power up? I can get it to turn on but it tries to start at 600. My pump can’t always run at that speed so it tries and stops. I can’t seem to set it to 1250 or 1450 or something on boot. I can do the automation in Home Assistant but I’d like it to function if HA is down. My concerning scenario is power is out for a while, HA goes down, power comes back, if things are freezing I want my pump to default to on at a specific speed.


How are you getting that chemical information (pH, calcium, etc.) I see on your dashboard? I have some fish tanks, but currently doing it manually with test strips; I was unaware of any device to measure such things.

Apologies if it is mentioned somewhere, I just stumbled in and skimmed the thread, but did not find anything about it.

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I’m using a WaterGuru Sense 2, so far I really like it … it’s made me stay WAY more on top of my chemistry.

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Cool, thanks!

Now I am wondering if something similar is available for fish/aquariums… I don’t see why not, at least in theory…

if you call the pump stop command and then the run command does it start the schedule all over again from the beginning? I have the motor and it has the pause feature which allows you to pause to perform some task and unpause. Would love for this to be able to do just that.

Hi everyone! Great job getting this working. Does anyone know if this will work with the new Evo pumps/controllers. It looks like they have/are discontinuing the VGreen 165/270 and have the new Evo controllers (One-Button UI) that have a RS485 that can connect to the automation of all the different manufacturers but it doesn’t mention that it will work with VLink so I don’t know if it will work with VLink and therefore this code. Any thoughts or comments?