Port 80 goes to HASS, how i change this?

If I go from inside my lan (address of pi3 with HASS)

It shows me the HASS Web page.

How to avoid this?

If you are wanting to change the port you use HASS, you can add this to your configuration.yaml:

  api_password: !secret http_password
  server_port: !secret server_port

No trying to understand how to free port 80 and be able to use emulated_hue with Google Home

Default port is 8123 not 80 correct?

What does the following show:

sudo netstat -pant|egrep ":80\s"|grep "LISTEN"
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Default is 8123.
So if you have not changed the config you should not get anything from HA on port 80

pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo netstat -pant|egrep “:80\s”|grep “LISTEN”
tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 797/nginx -g daemon

Nginx? I forgot, I uninstalled it. Problem solved. thanks


Is it possible to keep both ? nginx with port 80 and HA supervised ?