PostNL Integration

Any news on this, and at the mean time, does anyone know if core still works? Or are both of them broken?

When I have time I will test if the core of PostNL api still work. Hopefully @ptnijssen or @IcyPalm found something to make it work again.

I have checked, removed the custom component and restart HA. Even the PostNL core isn’t working anymore.

Heya everyone,

PostNL broke things for us on their side and since they do not have a proper API it is hard to create a proper fix. I have tried to create something but that wasn’t stable.

Sure I could hack something together to create a quick fix but that won’t solve the issue since it will probably break(or broken on purpose by PostNL) within no-time.

The PostNL core component is not functioning either since it uses the same base python library.

If someone can bring us in contact with someone within PostNL (on their IT team) that would be HIGHLY appreciated since then we could try and create a proper solution together with PostNL(though I am sceptical this can happen, you’d never know)

Besides the technical issues I am quite busy with work and the christmass season myself so I have not been able to invest a lot of time into this issue either

I hope I can find some time soon but I cannot guarantee it.


Yes I figured that it broke at postNL side by reading through github. So atm there is no workaround right? I don’t know anyone at IT from postNL. I wish I did so we could move forward with this.

Thanks for your hard work though, too bad it doesn’t work anymore.

A friend of me worked at PostNL for the app project. He forwarded this message to some people at PostNL. So fingers crossed :slight_smile:


It looks like even their app and website is broken… at least Im having a lot of issues using it.

Hi all. Sorry for being unresponsive. December was a busy month and my daughter was born, which required my attention.

Meanwhile I am in touch with PostNL and will keep you posted accordingly.




Gefeliciteerd :slight_smile:


Gratz (or gefeliciteerd) :rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::girl:t2:

@ptnijssen, Congratulations. Nice to hear you’ve found an entrance at PostNL. Hopefully we can find a way to make a good integration in HA.

Congratulations / gefeliciteerd

Congratulations! / Gefeliciteerd!

Hi all. Thanks for the congratulations.

I had a call earlier today with PostNL. We (as in HA) are not the reason that PostNL build in the bot protection. They mostly did it for security reasons to stop attackers from attacking their API.

As of now, there is for us no way currently to work around this case. They are reviewing the situation with us (and with other vendors / providers) but as you can imagine in big organisations, it always takes time before there is a decision, before it’s build and of course the question remains if we are high enough on the priority list.

All in all I don’t expect a solution within the upcoming 6 months. Therefor I will be removing the PostNL component from HA very soon, including removing the card from HACS, as it has no use anymore. As soon as there is an update from PostNL, I will be informed and we can take a look again at an integration.

Lastly I want to point out that up till now, we have been using an unofficial integration with PostNL. So this integration never had official support from PostNL and they never had to keep us in to account. So I am not blaming them for making their decisions, as they had the rights to do so.

It was a fun ride for as long as it lasted, but it ends here.

Thank you all for the support and the feedback I received on my work. It was a pleasure improving your houses with this card.



Really too bad, I actually started to rely on this as this worked superb. Oh well, I had expected it in one way or another as it kept breaking. I too have removed all stuff related to postnl from HA but I sincerely hope that we get the opportunity to integrate this once again in the future.

Anyways I wish you the best of luck (and ofc as well for the little one) and thanks for all the great work you have done for us!

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What a shame thanks for all the hard work you did put into it

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What a shame for the hard work and hope to see it again in the future. I liked it very much as the need for several apps was not needed.

Best of luck with the little one. :grin:

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Nooooo :cry:

aah bummer… :frowning: