PostNL Integration

I am trying to get it working on my 0.97.2 HA
Is it not working on this version?
Or does anyone have it running?

I donā€™t have any issues on my side. Any errors within your log? Is the custom component still there?

I am hoping the next version of HA will drop the requirement for the custom component.

Installed the three files manifest.json, and in the custom_component folder in the subfolder named postnl. Installed the Card Plugin through HACS. Sensor.postnl works and shows me plenty info, so it connects well to the PostNL server. But I donā€™t get the other sensors and the card stays blank except for the Titleā€¦

It seems like there is something wrong with the custom component. Check if the files are named correctly, if they have the right content and if nothing is logged within the log files.

If that all doesnā€™t help, you have to wait till I replaced the official component unfortunately.

At least I have something to look forward toā€¦ :wink:

I love this component! Thanks for the hard work! :slight_smile:

But i saw a translation thing that isn`t correct i think. I made a screenshot, you can see the ā€œtranslation problemā€ in the right bottom corner.

Hey @ptnijssen I just wanted to inform you that your component works fine on HA 0.97.2. I also have a question in the mean time. (Actually it is a question from one of my followers). The photos of the letters, they are cut off at the right side (but is not on the last photo).

Is this intentional to see that there are more photos or is it something that isnā€™t possible? I had this question twice now and so I wondered if it was intentional. In any case, would it be possible to have the entire image in the card (without the cut-off right side).

Thanks again for your amazing custom component/card.

@the_cyberspace You mean ā€œtomorrowā€? I have to dive into that where that issue is coming from. Your HA instance is Dutch also? Is your browser Dutch?

@jimz011 Thanks! I know the swiper card isnā€™t working pretty. My knowledge is limited in that part.
As soon as the component in HA is updated, I want to release a 1.0 which hopefully solves some issues also with swiping. I noticed a couple of more issues. I didnā€™t notice a cut off myself, but will have a look.

So to answer the question, not intentional :slight_smile:

Alright clear to me. No problem it is great. Though for some reason since I have activated letters for my wife I donā€™t see any photos anymore.

@ptnijssen Yes the translation ā€œTomorrowā€, and there are more translations issues but i cant show you that because i didnt receive the package. I post a screenshot when i receive the package, i think there was something about ā€œReceived atā€¦ā€ but i`m not sure anymore.

My browser and HA are both Dutch.

And is it possible to change the name ā€œPostNLā€ (in the top left corner on my screenshot) in a custom name? I`ve got 2 PostNL components, 1 for me and 1 fo my girlfriend and both shows PostNL and i must think wich is me and wich is my girlfriend :wink:

Alright, will take a look.

You can override the name with the name option:

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Hi Peter,

I have still this problem with the image:

I have this in Chrome, Firefox and as well in my mobile phone. I think it started in 0.97, but also in 0.98beta.
The picture is loaded because if i press on the white/blue/red bar and move my mouse to the left i start seeing the picture.

edit: and thie funiest thing is that when i edit the card i do see the picture :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah my Swiper implementation sucks. Iā€™ll try to reserve some time to have a go on fixing it.

I have been busy by updating the original library and then hopefully replace the component in HA. So far itā€™s taking weeks to update the original library so the custom component cannot yet be dropped yet in 0.98 :frowning:



Released 0.12.1, which hopefully solves an issue with swiping. Let me know if it improved or not!

Working now!

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I think i was a bit to optimistic. First time it worked but now i dont see any picture anymore. Also with editing i donā€™t see it.

Do you know if more ppl have this or am i the only one?

I am not aware of any issues. Working fine here, but not getting a lot of mail. Will try out a bit on my side.

Hi Peter,
When I add multple users it only shows mail from one user. If I remove either user from configuration.yaml it shows mail from the remaining user. Both users have mail receiving.
My configuration.yaml:

sensor postnl:

  • platform: postnl
    username: username1
    password: passwor1
    username: username2
    password: password2

Am I doing something wrong?

Out of my head:

platform: postnl
   name: user1
   username: username1 
   password: password1

platform: postnl
   name: user2
   username: username2
   password: password2

Thank you, I got it working.

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There was no issue. Postnl reset my password as it dit with some other users because of a possible data leake. I have a new password and everything is working fine.

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