Power ON WebOS TV

Same thing for me, not sure how to fix this. Might try ethernet later this week and let you know how that works. Very disappointing that the nic doesn’t keep power for this reason especially since WOL works, defeats the purpose if you ask me…

I’ve tried using Ethernet and found no difference. For now I have enabled CEC so turn on TV via hdmi as rarely just power on TV on its own. I agree it’s a poor workaround but I think fault is in TV side.

Yeah seems like I’m going to have to do the same thing, normally I use my TV with either my xbox or freeview box so I guess using HDMI CEC to turn it on will work for now. A software update would be nice to keep power to the NIC… Cough LG cough.

Edit: NVM I’m an idiot didnt have Mobile TV turned on

I’m trying to troubleshoot something on my WebOS and just curious, are you unable to get the TV to turn on/off at all or just within a script?

i can turn my tv on/off within the front end’s component:

it works great. however when trying to run a script to turn the tv on (media_player.turn_on) it is unresponsive.
anyone have any ideas? am i writing the script incorrectly??

    - service: media_player.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.bedroom_tv

I can turn it in and off, however after a 30 min in standby I’m unable to turn it on again. Guessing the network card is not being powered or something.

Is this on ethernet or wireless?

For me was both same behavior.

Does your TV support Wake On Lan? My LG WebOS TV doesn’t :frowning:

It does, both on and off working fine when is turn on. Its just after a while in standby looks like network is disabled

I have a WebOS 1.4 TV (2014) that does not support Wake On Lan. Since the HDMI solution was not for me (all the HDMI slots are already taken) I ended up with a z-wave plug that controls the TV power. My TV works very nicely with that - when the power is switched off and then back on it goes directly to the last used HDMI connector or TV tuner (depending what was used when the power was cut off).
And of course I can control the z-wave plug nicely via scenes etc. I have all that connected to Alexa and Google Home and it is fun.

The drawbacks of this solution are:

  1. The cold start takes a tad more time than the remote-button start (but the difference is barely noticeable - the warn start is slow anyway)
  2. I cannot use the remote to wake the TV up once the power is cut off
  3. I need to forget about scheduled recording of anything, will not work when there is no power.

In my case only the #2 is serious - my wife prefers the remote and she HATES talking to Alexa or Google Home (which in turn is cool by me).

“it works great. however when trying to run a script to turn the tv on (media_player.turn_on) it is unresponsive.
anyone have any ideas? am i writing the script incorrectly??”

I have the same problem. Any solution?

I got it to work, I’m forgetting what I did though.

I will check my config later tonight.

Great, waiting for your solution…

Just re-read my original post.

I didnt have Mobile Tv turned on in the TV settings.

Once i turned that on it worked

Just in case that anyone else wonders why his WebOS device doesn’t turn on anymore… The mac config parameter was replaced by a turn_on_action. The solution is to add a switch and then use it:

Example switch:

- platform: wake_on_lan
  host: !secret webos_host
  name: TV
  mac_address: !secret webos_mac
    service: media_player.turn_off
    entity_id: media_player.tv

My media_player component:

- platform: webostv
  host: !secret webos_host
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.tv
  name: TV

sorry I do not understand, they are the first weapons … This is the part about LG of my configuration



  • platform: webostv
    host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    name: LG_TV
    filename: webostv.conf
    service: media_player.turn_on
    entity_id: media_player.lg_tv
    - hdmi1
    - hdmi2
    - hdmi3
    - ‘Amazon Prime Video’
    - netflix
    - youtube
    - ‘canali tv’

I have connected my LG TV to HA over wifi. The power on and off works but when TV is off for like 20 mins power on function stops working. Is it different with HDMI-CEC connection?

Yes hdmi works fine.

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I have experienced something interesting today with my LG TV. Normally I could not turn the TV on after like 20 mins. However, today when I try to turn the TV on with my phone which is not connected to the local network, it worked. It is pretty weird and maybe it could lead a solution to the problems. I hope it helps.

Hi all
I have TV with webos, I add this to my HA but i can not run turn ON TV by wake On LAN.
I have this confit as show on HA webpage but not working…

  - platform: webostv
    host: 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
    name: TV Salon
    timeout: 5
    filename: webostv.conf
       service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
       mac: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
       message: "Turn ON action"

But tv not turn on. I create swicth to wake on lan TV and it works and then use it tu turn on TV.
- platform: wake_on_lan
mac_address: “xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx”
name: ‘LG TV Salon’

and then use it to TV

  • platform: webostv
    host: 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
    name: TV Salon
    timeout: 5
    filename: webostv.conf
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.lg_tv_salon
    message: “Turn ON action”

But how repaire it in first configuration to send packet magic to wake on lan TV ?
My resolved is only alternativly…

And with webos not working NEXT and PREVIUS… when click next and previus TV try run USB hard Disk.
Is any chance to fix this problem… ?