Powercalc - Virtual power sensors

What is the history of the power sensor? What of the energy sensor?

And double-check, if you want to switch to left in energy_integration_method. See documentation on powercalc and HA website.

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Thanks for your reply, below is the charts for energy, the nearly horizontal line is the current usage as it should, with a slow incline because most of the appliances were off untill my wife started doing the laundry. You cant really see the line going up due to the dips and daily usage messing up the scale but I checked the numbers. It also doesn’t like up with the kWh on reboot as you can see by the different step sizes it makes.

It also doesn’t match the usage from the Energy dashboard, which to me seems correct (Sorry for the Dutch appliance names)

Hm. Can you share, how you use/set-up powercalc for this device?

Had to zoom out a bit to get it in one screenshot, hope you can read. It’s 3 plugs and a virtual power sensor for my fridge. It also doesn’t make sense to me why on reboot.

When you have problems with the utility meters I suggest to first focus on the energy meters (kWh) to see if these show the correct figures.
In your screenshot above you included the power sensor, not the energy sensor.

Because power (W sensors) integrates to energy using the riemann integral sensor. Except for the grouped energy sensors, powercalc just sums all of the individual energy sensors to calculate the group state.

Than this energy sensor is used to calculate daily/hourly consumption using the [Utility Meter - Home Assistant](utility meter) integration. The utility meters do not have to use or know anything about the power sensor, only the energy sensor matters.

These are both core HA integrations. Powercalc has just some logic to create these dynamically from the powercalc integration.

Also, which version of powercalc are you using?

Not sure why you think my screenshots don’t include energy sensors because to my knowledge they do.
I checked all individual energy sensors and they do seem correct in their own, aside from the total from all appliances I’ve been referring to, as shown in below screenshot. There’s no way yesterday I used ~680kWh.

As it is configured now I just added a Powercalc sensor with all plugs and a virtual power sensor. I did the same for my lights. Which do add up correctly it seems. So the only thing different would be the fridge, but that also seems correct to me if I check it.

What would be the ideal solution to adding a total sensor for all appliances and having it work correctly? Also yesterday I was running 0.24.8, today I updated to 0.25.0.

I was interested in the “Alle huishoudelijk energy” graph, which you didn’t share before, only the power graph.

I think you have a similar bug as reported here:

Everytime the energy sensor goes from 150 to apparently 0 and 150 again the utility meter will see this as a change and will add that to the total for this day. The energy sensor should only briefly go to unavailable during startup, which should not cause this issue. But in your case I suspect it is going to 0.

I suggest you to create an issue on github where we can investigate this further. Would help to have insights in the state history of the device. You can get these from the DB, but not sure if you are proficient to retrieve those. It’s in the states table.
Also I will see if I can add some additional debug logging which can help finding the root cause.

Thanks for the advise, will do! The energy graph was included earlier but I cut off the title in the screenshot to make it extra confusing for you :wink:

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Hello all,

I configured Powercalc via YAML, just like this:

# PowerCalc
  scan_interval: 00:01:00 #Each minute
  power_sensor_naming: "{} Powersensor"
  create_energy_sensors: true
  enable_autodiscovery: true

Everything has been working just fine - and in the meantime quite a few lights have been added to the LUT. Unfortunately those that were missing back then when I initially set up PowerCalc do not show up now, although “Autodiscovery” is enabled.

How can I update my virtual sensors so that the ones added to LUT in the meantime will also show up in my HA instance?

Cheers, Zwo

After a reboot they should just appear. When this is not the case enable debug logs to get a clue why not.

Thank you, Bram, for the fast response!

Well, there are a few models which are listed in the LUT (e.g. LLC020 and LTW013 by Signify) but according to the log they cannot be found in the library:

2022-08-25 18:23:26.000 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.powercalc.power_profile.model_discovery] light.garderobe_rechts: Auto discovered model (manufacturer=Signify Netherlands B.V., model=8718696598283)
2022-08-25 18:23:26.000 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.powercalc] light.garderobe_rechts: Model not found in library, skipping auto configuration
2022-08-25 18:23:26.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.powercalc.power_profile.model_discovery] light.hue_go_arbeitszimmer: Auto discovered model (manufacturer=Signify Netherlands B.V., model=7146060PH)
2022-08-25 18:23:26.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.powercalc] light.hue_go_arbeitszimmer: Model not found in library, skipping auto configuration

Your Hue or other zigbee integration reports this bulbs as respectively 8718696598283 and 7146060PH.
These are not known in the supported models list yet.
We can add these model id’s as aliases for LLC020 and LTW013 but need to be 100% sure it’s exactly the same bulb and not some other generation of the bulb having other power characteristics.

Could you please create an issue on github for this? Also would be nice if you could include some references which indicates these are indeed the same bulbs.

Hi - something went wrong with my home assistant and I had to remove the powercalc integration, with a view to reinstalling it.

However - after removing it (through HACS) I am left with lots of “switchname_energy” and “switchname_energy_daily” entities which I cannot remove (They can’t be deleted via the GUI as they have no unique ID).

Any advice appreciated!


Refresh your browser and have another look, if they are really still there.

now I feel stupid!


Is anyone able to advise on how to use PowerCalc to correct the kWh being reported wrong with a specific device type?

I think, you should describe more, what you want to achieve, what is reported “wrong” and how and should be “corrected” in which way?

Plug reports every now and then a -21,000 kwh reading, normal wattage and ampage records fine.
Trying to work out if PowerCalc can be used to resolve that issue.

If wattage is reported and is correct, just use (only) this as input for Powercalc. It will calculate the rest, e.g. the clean kwh, etc.

BTW If it is a on/off-plug with high jumps, use integration method left. See docs.

Powercalc logs errors after updating in HACS.
Any idea what happened here?

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:339
First occurred: 10:18:10 PM (35 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:18:13 PM

Unable to prepare setup for platform powercalc.sensor: Unable to set up component.