PowerTodoist-card: Lists, Kanbans, and much more [beta release]

Your problem is probably a very minor detail, some character. I see a markdown link in project_id, what is it doing there? I see asterisks. I see rounded quotes in the curl command… “ ” none of that will work.

But I can’t tell which of those things are just side-effects of you copy-pasting here in the forums, or if you really have those issues in your configuration. Double-check every detail…

I think that i cant’ do it : 1. Add to Lovelace UI as any other card (using either editor or YAML configuration).custom:powertodoist-card

The last error in card:

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach')
type: custom:powertodoist-card
show_header: true
show_item_add: true
filter_show_dates_ending: '0'
show_completed: '0'
entity: sensor.to_do_list
sort_by_due_date: true
use_quick_add: false
filter_today_overdue: true

In the sensor definition, the project_id is not a URL, it should look something like this:

   project_id: 2312181948

Great friend, this is the problem. Now, all ok. Thanks crack

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Another problem, In my PC Whith chrome all ok, but in my IPhone problems …

You just need a reload, probably. Either close the app and reopen it, or reboot your phone.

I think it’s a great card since I’ve been using it. As a newbie to it, and after having done many tests, I can’t find a way to change the size of the text and icons, I say this in case any Guru here could help me. Thanks in advance to everyone.

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As a work around, you can edit the CSS styles near the end of powertodoist-card.js

But it won’t be upgrade-safe, you’ll have to merge your changes when you install a new version.

I want to make CSS styles more configurable from the configuration files, but I’m not there yet…

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Thanks for this, I have got the card working but show_card_labels: false doesn’t seem to be working as It seems to be ignored. and the labels are still being displayed.

type: custom:powertodoist-card
entity: sensor.alexa_shopping_list
show_header: false
show_completed: 5
use_quick_add: false
filter_today_overdue: false
show_item_add: false
show_item_close: true
show_item_delete: false
show_card_labels: false


Is there anything I have missed?

@Jon_White that option is actually meant to control the card-level labels, not the item-level labels.

I better explain what that means: I figured out that if I create a label filter for a card, so that, for example, it lists only the Urgent tasks, I probably just want to see a label on top, along the card title, saying Urgent, instead of seeing a label with that name in every single item below - not very informative.

The show_card_labels option controls that.

I believe what you’re looking for would be a show_item_labels option, which I don’t currently have! :frowning:

As an undocumented work-around, any label name that starts with an underscore character will not be shown in the PowerTodoist UI. So if you call your label _secretLabel it won’t show. I realize this is not an ideal solution for many situations, but might help you work around the problem for now.

EDIT: adding a few things here

  1. If all your items have Alexa label, try using that as a filter and then play with the show_card_labels option to get your preferred effect
      - "Alexa"

This makes Alexa a card-level label.

  1. It will be easy for me to add a proper show_item_labels option, and it certainly makes sense to have one. BUT I am on vacation now, I don’t promise anything in the coming two weeks.
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Did you manage to create it in the meantime? Love your card the best out there! Congratulations

Hi. Thanks for the compliment. :blush:

I’m afraid I didn’t get back to this project yet, I’ve just been too busy with work. But I still intend to do a bit more work on this card after I finish a couple of work projects.

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New version is out

@Jon_White @HVPereira I just released a new v0.11-beta version with the option requested: show_item_labels (defaults to true).

Now available in HACS

To everyone: I am also announcing that HACS accepted my application (it takes them months) so now you can download my card directly by searching inside HACS, and you can install the card easily from there. It also facilitates upgrades, you get warned and you just need to click to upgrade.

If somebody can please confirm that this works well, I’d appreciate it - I never tried it myself.

Date filtering bugfix

I also fixed a bug breaking date filtering. So @chicknlil25 if you’re still having trouble with dates filtering, please try the new version.


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Awesome! Thank you.

Does anybody could explain what I did wrong in the yaml?

Got notification in HA

@kulnis182 your YAML looks correct to me… what is going wrong, do you get error messages?

Did you do the secrets.yaml part?

If you don’t get errors, if it’s just that you don’t see data in the card, my advice during this initial set up phase is to forget about the card and just check that you see data coming into the sensor, but going into **Developer Tools / States ** and filtering for the sensor name (probably to-do-list).

I’ll answer the other one separately…

If you get this warning…

Command-line YAML configuration has moved

then you need to change part of the PowerTodoist configuration.


  - name: label_colors
    platform: command_line
    command: !secret todoist_cmd_with_api_token
    value_template: > 
        {{ value_json.label_colors | length }}
        - label_colors 
    scan_interval: 200

After the corrective changes, this goes outside the sensor section, and into a command-line section:

# --------------------------------------------------------
  - sensor:
      name: label_colors
      command: !secret todoist_cmd_with_api_token
      value_template: >
        {{ value_json.label_colors | length }}
        - label_colors
      scan_interval: 200

So you need to do a few things to get this working:

  1. Cut-and-paste the section from inside a sensor heading, into a (possibly new) command_line section
  2. Turn sensor: into - sensor:
  3. Indent name and everything below it a further two spaces. :exclamation: In general, make sure you pay attention to the indents, they’re critical
  4. Notice that name lost the dash
  5. Remove the line saying platform: command_line
  6. Restart Home Assistant