Pre Announcement: HADasboard v2!

OK, I think I can say with some confidence that the Beta will start this weekend, I am shooting for Saturday.

Look out for a new thread announcing the beta!

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Ok, this could be interesting, Iā€™m going out of town Sunday for the week. I wonder how much of it I can configure remotely without crashing everything. :slight_smile:

Sunday?? Youā€™ll have it all done less than an hour after I post the Beta - piece of cake!

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Yea, the install. But then Iā€™ll start playing with it. Thatā€™s when things start getting broken. LOL

Well I hope your breaking skills are up to the job because I have finally got it into a situation where @ReneTode and @rpitera are mosty happy with it and they havenā€™t broken it for over a day now!

Having said that, it is a Beta so I expect some issues :slight_smile:

Great, Iā€™m looking forward to it. Iā€™ll be in NJ most of next week so hopefully I have some quality time at night to work on it. Unfortunately Iā€™ll be in meetings all day so Iā€™ll lose my day hours when I work on it at work. :slight_smile:

I hear you, my job is similar, used to be NJ, now I spend more time in the Reston VA area, hip it works out for you.

The day ainā€™t over yetā€¦ but Rene is in Holland so we may make it yet. LOL

Truly, the new version is a work of greatness. Andrew has once again set the bar for HA add ons.

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I am in NZ so Saturday is in 6 hoursā€¦

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It might be towards the end of your Saturday then I am afraid :wink:

Do you know if it will support newer css filters like backdrop-filter? I did this while messing around with my main home assistant UI but current browser support seems spotty. Gives it a nice iOS style gaussian blur.


That is the idea - I am basically allowing skinners to pass through anything they like so if the browser supports it, you can make a skin for it.

To correct this make sure you use the vendor prefixes like -webkit and -mozā€¦

Iā€™d really like to see you do a Share Your Projects on what you did with HAā€™s UI; it looks beautiful!

Regarding skinning in HA Dash 2, you can also use head and body includes to add 3rd party libs so you can go crazy with skinning. I used them in one of the skins that will be in the beta to provide a background that changes color as the day goes on.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!

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Iā€™d like to point out that was Robā€™s idea :slight_smile:

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And Iā€™d like to point out that the suggestion would have been meaningless if not for the skill of Andrew to make it happen in like, five minutes flat.

Seriously, even for the beta he has included pretty much every option you could need to customize skins easily. If you know CSS, you are going to have a lot of fun. And if you donā€™t, now would be the time to start learning!!!

cool, would one of you guruā€™s mind posting a tutorial on how to do skins? Iā€™ve heard about them and kind of know what they are, but have no idea how to do them. That would be something nice to pad my resume with for when I start looking next year.

Itā€™s going to be different for every application out there - there will be instructions to make HADashboard skins, but it basically comes down to having a good grasp of CSS then applying that with whatever tools the app gives you to modify it.

Ok, get ready for a lot of CSS questions then. :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s Robā€™s department - my CSS knowledge is basic at best :wink: is where you should go.

For the beta, we are going to be concentrating solely on function, unless one of the preset skins presents a bug. We need to make sure everything is working correctly before we start working on appearance. Also, Andrew and I will work together on a skinning guide after the beta is finished and everything is proven to be working from a function standpoint.

That being said, I have documented the styles as best I can in the skins that will be included so that should give you some idea of what is going on and give you options to change.