I’ve successfully linked the code to my maverick thermometers which feed through rtl_sdr into MQTT so it was an easy change. When I get a chance (or maybe someone else will contribute), I’m going to add some buttons on the lovelace panel to set the gauge colors and ranges for “low and slow” (225F) and “Poultry”(350F). Of course, in the meantime, I’ll just create two lovelace views, one for low and slow, the other for poultry…but having it all on one is more elegant.
Then, I’m going to try to add “time til done” estimation. If I know how long it takes for the temperature of my probe to raise the termperature 1 degree…and I know how far I am from the target temperature, then it’s simple arithmetic. It’s a general projection, but close enough to warn folks when dinner might be ready.
I am not sure if that yaml is leftover from the ring integration and no longer needed or needed
Guess I could remark it out or look at ring again, but it is working.I do have that enabled for new entities but this OMG did not show up until I changed home/
Just none of my business, but 2271 devices? Do you have each pixel on an led strip connected ? grin> Am I missing out on something exciting?
BTW, so sad. Amazon failed again. Maybe I will get the inkbird tomorrow
Lol, I got the Ibeacon detected and they have random mac address. This now filtered with the last OMG version.
So now you can see the device corresponding to OMG?
I have OpenMQTTGateway running on a esp32. Have the inkbird IBT-2x white-listed to only show that. HA is discovering sensors. But still not showing any temperature values at all. Not seeing anything in devices or entities. Had similar issues with esphome as well.
Same issue here, i’ve had to change iBBQ to xBBQ to get it discovered by ESPhome. Both probes are showing 0.
if (x.get_name() != "xBBQ") return;
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:048]: New BLE device
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:049]: address: D4:79:00:00:03:A4
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:050]: name: xBBQ
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:051]: Advertised service UUIDs:
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:054]: - 0xFFF0
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:057]: Advertised service data:
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:063]: Advertised manufacturer data:
[23:04:09][I][ble_adv:066]: - 0x0001: (00.08.A4. (12))
[23:04:15][D][sensor:125]: 'iBBQ Temperature Probe 1': Sending state 0.00000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy
[23:04:28][D][sensor:125]: 'iBBQ Temperature Probe 2': Sending state 0.00000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy
Thanks, we already fixed this in Theengs Decoder in May. Theengs gateway already includes the fix. I will release a new version of OpenMQTTGateway that will include it (the development branch has already the fix)
An exciting release V1.0.0 for OpenMQTTGateway, with 3 major changes:
@NorthernMan54 added the support of the HELTEC LORA 32 V2/V2.1 433Mhz with RTL_433 . Isn’t it huge?
No need to solder or check pins. Just upload heltec-rtl_433 from the web upload to the board, and you will benefit from the most powerful 433mhz library decoding, RTL_433 , we support Pulse Position Modulation (OOK_PPM) and Pulse Width Modulation (OOK_PWM) as a start (this is 80 decoders🙂).
A great way to pick up weather stations, sensors, door bells… the list of compatible devices is huge. Feel free to share your feedback in the forum.
Added to the 433mhz, @DigiH did a huge work on the Bluetooth decoder, adding many new devices and improving the existing ones!
The decoder now supports more than 55 devices!
You can enjoy this changes with OpenMQTTGateway, but also with the TheengsGateway, the Theengs App will be updated soon.
Note that Theengs Gateway can also work with OpenMQTTGateway as satellites/proxies. See our MQTTtoMQTT function implemented in June in OMG.
This one is huge. More boards supported, more devices, and some exciting changes to make your life easier
The auto-discovery is seeing new improvements to have better control of the gateway, but in particular, it now supports RTL_433 ESP32 !!
So with one binary flash in less than 5 minutes, you can retrieve your 433Mhz sensors, and OMG will automatically create the devices into your favorite Home Automation controller.
Here is an example with a 433Mhz weather station WS2032:
Added to this, you can also see the RTL_433 sensor messages on the screen. Thanks @NorthernMan54 .
Shelly plus 1 by @1technophile in #1349 , for TESTS only, WARNING - internal temperature sensor of the board not supported for the moment, no overheating management from this sensor at the firmware level
[BREAKING] Add RTL_433 discovery with Home Assistant convention by @1technophile in #1379 , if you add sensor for RTL_433 OMG you will have to update your topic structure as it changed with this PR.