Presence in master room

I did something like this which works but sometimes the automation misses

try to work with debug nodes to find out where things go wrong.
Or multiple to see what is going on in the flow. Itā€™s hard to tell for other people what is going on in the (new) fp2 sensors and what triggers it.
And first begin simple as possible (so no timers etc.) and expand while those simple things work first.

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It just doesnā€™t work here either - you can see the time differences - how strangeā€¦

Can anyone else give an example of another test for a motion sensor?

The event state node is sending the true and false (on / off) state. You donā€™t need a separate on state node or timer.

Set 2 debug nodes on both event state outputs and you will see.

Test with only a event state ( in that node set a timer ) and connect below with light on and above with a light off node
So no seperate timers in this.

Debug all outputs and see what is happening or use my simple example.

Should be very basic to make this work first.

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