Problem converting C to F

im having the same issue all of a sudden. So sounds like Duck DNS/SSL is the issue? Having to totally redo my system for the 3rd time. Ive been having difficulty just setting up my Wemos D1 Mini sensors (dht11). Did get my DS18b20 to work, but cant convert from C to F. Anyone know the solution?

Your problem has nothing to do with the thread you posted in. DuckDNS is completely irrelevant to unit conversion.

When the forum suggests you should resurrect an answered thread please listen to it.

Same issue here.

What issue?

Ive been having difficulty just setting up my Wemos D1 Mini sensors (dht11). Did get my DS18b20 to work, but cant convert from C to F

That doesn’t help anybody help you

Need help with C to F conversion. Using a wemos d1 mini. the probe is a DS18b20. It works fine but giving temps in Celcius

Are you trying to solve the conversion in HA, or in the Wemos?

I assume it has to do with HA. the ds18b20 probe reports in Celcius. Im sure its a common problem, but looked for the answer everywhere. I am fairly new to HA and microprocessors. Still learning. Any help would b appreciated. I apologize for the ignorance,

There’s been posts which state they suspect it was DDNS, so it wasnt exactly a random post-FYI. You should read the thread I was responding to.

DNS has nothing to do with temperature unit conversion :wink:

We would appreciate some assist. Thanks.

I’m sorry you’re having such trouble understanding a simple conversion question. Aren’t you supposed to be ADMIN? If you dont care to point me in the right direction, then the extra jabs aren’t helping. Its a little disappointing.

Please read the code of conduct.

I’m not having a jab, I’m explaining that DNS has nothing to do with your problem, so you don’t waste time chasing irrelevant things.

Did you read the topic I posted above?

What are you looking to achieve? Do you want your DS18B20 to send temperatures in °F, or would you be OK converting them at the HA end? Have you set your preferences to °F as in that linked topic?

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