Problem incorporating Ring Glass Break servers into Alarmo


I bought 2 Ring Glass Break sensors yesterday added them to Home Assistant. I tested them by enabling config parameter 11 (detection) and broke some bottoms in my trash can. They worked as expected. Now I’m trying incorporating them into Alarmo. I need to enable and disable parameter 11 on alarming and disalarming, but unfortunately the entity can not found under the action tab. I did try to specify the action using yaml, but it doesn’t take it, because it requires the service tag instead of action. Your help will be gratefully appreciated.



I figured it out. Create the entity as a script and then call the script as an action.

Any way you could share some screen clips of the script and automation? Thanks!

bryuly SOLVED

Could you please elaborate on how you did this? I am struggling to figure it out. Thanks!

Ok, after much trial and error the following is confirmed working for me. This process seems to be undocumented or at least not used enough to warrant a proper explanation with images. See the images below for explanation on one solution using iOS Home Assistant app or web portal:

1.) Create Alarmo Rule - Select Ring Glass Break entity that will call external script upon triggered Alarmo event:

2.) Creating Task for Alarmo Rule - Create task in Alarmo that will call external HA Scripts to enable or disable z-wave parameter #11 on Ring glass break sensor.

3.) Create the HA Script that can be generated in YAML or the UI :slight_smile:

4.) YAML code block to be inserted into modify Z-wave Parameter #11.

service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
    - [Ring Glass Break Sensor Entity_1]
    - [Ring Glass Break Sensor Entity_2]
  endpoint: "0"
  parameter: "11"
  value: "1"

Hope this help someone else! Credit to the following thread: Ring Glass Break (without ring integration) Not Triggering Automation - #14 by freshcoast

You can also use zwave_js.set_config_parameter and have something a bit more readable, instead of the more obscure zwave_js.set_value. Same result.

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I really appreciate your feedback! I am using Home assistant, Konnected Alarm Panel Pro with hardwire contacts, and Ring Keypad v2 and z-wave sensors. This (your) solution makes for a very robust and complete alarm system without the monitoring fees and headaches!

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Hello, sir.

I am have the same configuration but I cannot get the Ring Glass Break Sensors to connect to Home Assistant. However, my Z-Wave controller cannot find the device.

Could you describe the steps you took to add the Ring Glass Break Sensors?

I used the smart start method included in the manual below:

— You may need to exclude the device before attempting to include it.

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I want to thank you for redirecting me. You introduced a new term, SmartStart. I am new to HA and just a Nortek HUSBZB-1 Quickstick Combo ZigBee/Z-Wave USB Controller-Hub. But have had no success.

I am hopeful to explore SmartStart. But how do I do that? Do I need an app since I am not using a Ring Security Base Station? Is SmartStart native to HA?

Thanks again for your help.

SmartStart is not supported by the HUSBZB-1 unless you upgrade the firmware.

SmartStart is supported both by HA via the Z-Wave integration, or Z-Wave JS UI.


Thank you so much. I’ll return the HUSZB-1 now.

Which one would you recommend to replace it? Is the Aeotec Z-Stick 7 Plus good now and in the near future?

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Any of the 700/800 are fine, but I’d personally get an 800-series like the Zooz.

Perfect. And I think I saw it was cheaper, $25 vs $50. I wonder why.

But I appreciate your recommendation. Definitely prefer being as ready for future with the latest upgrades as I can.

Thanks again.