Problem to integrate MQTT data of climate sensor

Hello All!
A climate sensor provides CO2 data via MQTT. The basic data of the sensor added to configuration.yaml:

    - state_topic: "homeassitant/sensor/co2meter/c"
      name: "CO2 Meter"
      unit_of_measurement: "ppm"
      value_template: '{{ value_json.value | int }}'

I have no idea to access this entity within the MQTT integration. The payload can be observed by “MQTT config - listen to a topic”. Also with MQTT explorer. However, it is not recognized by MQTT as a new entity.
Any hint is welcome!
Cheers Uli

I think this is wrong

think the json value is missing some data

should look something like

"{{value_json['array_name'].its_data_point_you_reading }}"

need to see the json message

this mite help

Without that payload it’s a shot in the dark.

thanks for the reply: attached a screencopy of “Home Assistant/MQTT/listen to topic”:

In MQTT Explorer it looks similar (the payloads are integers) and each sensor is a seperate topic.
The data of the sensor is available, however I found no way to get it as an entity of the MQTT integration.
Cheers Uli

It looks like I have the same problem regarding a single data value published to an MQTT broker by a Tasmota device. A rule running on the Tasmota device publishes the data as a single topic:value pair. Unlike other topic messages with many components that display within “{ }” in JSON format the “Listen to a topic” feature displays the data just like what K shows in the screencopy. It shows the topic followed by the data value on a single line with no “{ }” or any punctuation characters

The configuration.yaml uses a similar setup as K shows. HA shows an MQTT integration entity corresponding to the configuration.yaml entry, but the entity has an unavailable status.

Incidentally I find the MQTT integration configuration discovery fail to discover anything regardless of what the prefix setting is. I am using MQTT Explorer to view the traffic. MQTT shows the published data in the same way as “Listen to a topic” shows the data.

If there’s no json in the message, then just use value.

value_template: '{{ value | int }}'

Or just leave the option value_template out?
Not sure, try it.

Using just value worked. Thank you

I first changed the value_template and in a second step I commented it out - however no change - still no change in the number of the entities of integration MQTT. How did you made use of the new measured value?

With this data inside configuration.yaml it finally works. The unique_id is essential to access and use it inside Home Assistant. An additional weakness of the sensor is, that it truncates the length of the state_topic string. It must include a individual name, the keyword “sensor” and the names of the measured values. I started with co2_meter instead of co2m - and this kicked off the individual names of the measured values. So trivial!

- state_topic: “co2m/sensor/CO2c”
name: “CO2 Meter”
unit_of_measurement: “ppm”
unique_id: “kef20_co2meter_0x1”
- state_topic: “co2m/sensor/CO2t”
name: “CO2 Meter”
unit_of_measurement: “°C”
unique_id: “kef20_co2meter_0x2”

Cheers Uli