Problem using updated Lutron Caseta component (HA version 58.0)

Going to try this today. I am running HA in venv on a pi3.

Did you ever figure this out? getting same error as you did.

Haven’t had time to work on it recently, but will post when I can.

I finally got this working. I ran the series of commands on my Mac (Terminal), and finally got it working after I installed Python 3 (most current) and used “python3” instead of “python” in the command lines. Turns out this script requires a newer version, and my Mac had 2.7.14, but not 3.x. So many assumptions in the “instructions” that are not clarified or explained. Hope this helps someone…

Interesting… I ended up getting this to work too, after switching to a virtual environment on my mac to run the script rather than doing it all on the r pi. (I’m running HA in a venv as per the manual installation.) Interestingly enough, my Mac was running Python 2.7 at the time, and my pi was running 3.4 I think… I still have no idea why it wasn’t working on the pi. Or why my experience was seemingly the inverse of yours, at least as it relates to Python versions and OS’s! Speaking of which, what OSX are you running? I am 10.13.1.

So weird. I’m on 10.13.2, but may have been on 10.13.1 when I started trying! I guess persistence is the key on getting this one to work.

when I run 'pip install cryptography==2.1.3 requests==2.18.4 --user
', I am getting the error:

“requests 2.18.4 has requirement idna<2.7,>=2.5, but you’ll have idna 2.8 which is incompatible.”

please advise - thanks!!