So, I noticed a shiny release today and decided to upgrade to it. This has been working fine for me for a while but suddenly I now get an notification on the web UI saying this is invalid.
Invalid config for []: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['hosts']. Got [OrderedDict([('yyy_ping', 'yyy.local')]), OrderedDict([('xxx_ping, 'xxx.local')]), OrderedDict([('zzz_ping', 'zzz.local')])]. (See ?, line ?).
Configuration invalid
Invalid config for []: [xxx_ping] is an invalid option for []. Check:>hosts->xxx_ping. (See ?, line ?).
Invalid config for []: [Trish_iPhone] is an invalid option for []. Check:>hosts->Trish_iPhone. (See ?, line ?)
I still think there’s a problem here if you have more than one entry - e.g. I have two listed as hostone & hosttwo - but only hosttwo actually works. I don’t get any errors but hostone simply doesn’t appear to exist.
In my original config they were called KKphone & IFphone so presumably the capitalization was my first problem.
Can the other posters who had multiple entries confirm that they still have an issue ? Or not if thats the case!
Thank you sweet lord infant baby jesus for this thread. I have been scratching my head about this error for some time and it was driving ragged. Problem fixed by removing upper case host names.