Problem with fan automation

so im trying to get certain fans to turn on (to circulate the air) when my temp sensor detects the temperature raised and the fans arent currently on. this is the code im using

– alias: “Turn On Blower Fans on Temperature Rise”
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.furnace_sensor_temperature
condition: and
- condition: template
value_template: “{{ trigger.to_state.state | float > trigger.from_state.state | float }}”
- condition: state
entity_id: switch.heater_fans
state: “off”
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.heater_fans
- service: persistent_notification.create
message: “Temperature rise detected. Current: {{ trigger.to_state.state | float }}, Previous: {{ trigger.from_state.state | float if trigger.from_state else ‘unknown’ }}”>

but im only getting this error “Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘0’]”
i have no errors in my log and ive hit a wall lol. any help would be appreciated!

This is very hard to help you with it formatted like this.
Can you edit it as described in the FAQ to make it easier to understand?
How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.
Here’s how it should be formatted:
Persistent Notification - Home Assistant.

is that > at the end there in your actual yaml? I think that may be causing problems… Nuke it