Problem with “Irrigation Unlimited HACS Integration”. Enabled attribute

The lag you experience may be due to parameters granularity and refresh_interval. You can read their use here: GitHub - rgc99/irrigation_unlimited: ♒Irrigation controller for Home Assistant

I recommend you to write if you have issues in the author’s addon page: Issues · rgc99/irrigation_unlimited · GitHub

Hi everyone,

can anyone tell me what the Irrigation Unlimited Coordinator is?
Unfortunately I didn’t find anything in the description.
Thank you.

Oh, by the way, very good integration.

Here is a screenshot of my irrigation, if you are interested

The coordinator is a component entity and serves the integration. The reload service call for example is directed here. Along with its associated class it sits on top of the tree driving the controllers and zones. Mostly handles the config loading, clock, service calls and testing. It is also used to export some of the configuration data and acts as a bridge to the manual run card. The format is json and is easily consumed by other languages providing a possible link to other front end cards.

It is not intended to control anything like a valve but more of a gateway to HA and other integrations. I will leave it open for suggestions on what other information to output that might be useful.

Nice screen. Love those graphs, what component are you using?

Ahh ok
I thank you.

I use custom: apexcharts-card.

Can you please create a new topic under Share your project with Irrigation Unlimited.
So that people can present their projects, suggestions or changes?
That would be great.

Thank you again

Good idea. All done Irrigation Unlimited Integration

You are correct…the lag is due to refresh interval and granularity. In the end everything works, just takes some time to start/stop, which is not all that important :slight_smile:

Hi miguelpucela,

get the following error message
can you maybe help me?

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 06:59:45 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 07:00:03

[547135015280] Error handling message: template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘value_template’]. Got None (invalid_format)

I don’t see any problems … Try to watch binary_sensor.irrigation_unlimited_c1_z1 in Developer Tools → States to make sure there is an enabled attribute and which value it has.

You could also try the template in Developer Tools → Template.

In my configuration it works ok …

The configuration works, I just noticed that the error message comes when testing in the script.
Unfortunately, I didn’t make a backup of the configuration, so I have to set up the entire irrigation system again.

Backups are a MUST in HA, if you don’t want to throw your work away.

I recommend you to use the Home Assistant Google Drive Backup addon

I know,
I also do it regularly, but something went wrong with the watering.
Anyway I’m almost done.

I have another question
Was it always like that when you start the irrigation manually that the next zone is not displayed?
I started the irrigation using the script that I stated in the post above.

In my case, if I don’t have automatic sequences programmed, Next zone gives the correct information, but if I have automatic schedules, it gives the next automatic irrigation programmed.

Maybe you can ask Robert Cook through Irrigation Unlimited issues page at github, as it seems related to the inners of the package.