Problem with velbus: is it still supported?

I’m trying to connect hassio to my velbus system, but it won’t work.
In the log I’m getting several of these messages:
2019-12-10 17:08:53 INFO (write_packets_process) [velbus] Sending message on USB bus: {"name": "ModuleTypeRequestMessage", "priority": 251, "address": 244, "rtr": true}
And also
2019-12-10 17:08:58 INFO (Thread-3) [velbus] New message: {"name": "ChannelNamePart3Message2", "priority": 251, "address": 1, "rtr": false, "channel": 33}

I’m guessing the first one is hassio discovering the hardware, and the 2nd is the hardware responding, but I’m seeing nothing in the integrations…

Does anybody have any tips?

Do you get a “…scan finished” message in the log? If you don’t, the integration is possible failing during the discovery due to some unexpected error while parsing received messages. As result of this error nothing works.
I’ve fixed this possible error and it’s pushed to the python-velbus library a few days ago. So next step is to get Home Assistant updated to point to the latest library version. I’m working on this while adding light control too. :grinning:

After loads of testing I unplugged the vmbgpod glas panel
this seemed to be the module blocking everything…
After disconnecting this module the components where found and home automation found a vmb4ry and a vmd4dc module.
Some other vmb4ry modules that are in another electrical cabinet where also not working but after 2 hours of fiddling, and then remembering I forgot the terminator those where fixed as well

Together with @Cereal2nd we’ve solved some more bugs regarding VMBGPOx modules.
Changes are ready and very likely be included in the next release of HA (0.104 expected around 15 feb)

I’m a new user of Home assistant, i did try the build in Velbus integration with my velbus installation but did not suport the most of my modules, now i see there is Python-Velbus with better support and up to date.
But (sorry I’m new here) don’t understand how to add Python-Velbus to my new installation (on raspbery Pi4-HassOS 3.10)
Is there some kind of step by step manual to make the integration for a noob like me?
I have only experience with c# programming.

Hi, what modules aren’t supported?
I’ve kicked out my glaspannel, and most of the modules are supported.
More info here


Have you been able to get everything working?

You might want to join in with this thread —