Problems getting Heart Rate from Samsung 5 watch after upgrade to Wear OS 4

That is the “Wear” phone app. I removed HA from “Sleeping Apps”.
And for “HA” it shows: “Background activity allowed”.

ok if you feel you have enabled it in the correct app, next step is to go on the watch settings and look at teh body sensor permission to make sure the app has access to it all the time. Its going to be a bit nested to find it. On my pixel watch I need to go system settings > notifications & app > app info > HA > permissions> sensors and confirm its set to always.

on a samsung watch it may be slightly different.

I found “it” (I think) and it was NOT all the time.
Now it is!
I’ll test it.
I better write me a OneNote of ALL the places that (may) matter.
It does seem to work; time will tell, but I am hopeful!

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I have a feeling I only got this “Allow all the time” option with Wear OS 4; which I just got… within the last month. I never saw it before!
Is that possible, or I just didn’t look in the right places?

no you are correct allow all the time was added in Wear OS 4, it did not exist in previous versions

Maybe THAT’S WHY!!! Nothing I tried worked; I am now more hopeful!
Maybe you; Pixel people are privileged… everything has a cost :frowning:

Thank you very much for your time and patience!
I tried to write the sentence above in all caps, but couldn’t post it.

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I have found the setting in HA app on the watch. However it seems I cannot enable it. Pressing the setting does not change anything!

Have you seen that kind of issue ?


It’s a labyrinth in there. I don’t remember the sequence that made it possible for me to enable it.
Make sure you have HA both on Phone, Watch and they both work (turn something On/Off), go through all possible permissions (maybe health?)…

Yes! Finally managed.

You have to enable access to the sensors for HA watch app for all the time. First time you try to change sensor state, there is a text which tells you that you can enable it in some settings, and there is a link to the settings page.

So first time I was just trying to enable the setting, but after I reinstalled the watch app and it showed this info again. This time I followed the link and changed setting to always allow access to the sensor. This setting can be changed also by going to the settings → security and privacy → privacy → Permission Manager → sensors, etc.

Now it works and I get this info in HA.

Thank you for the help!

you probably denied the permission originally, android does not allow apps to prompt users multiple times

I thought what “we” did last time would solve it, but it’s still not working. I’m annoyed, disappointed, ready to give up.
I’d like to hear from @marcomr if he gets multiple points of data throughout the day, without (re)starting the apps all the time, as I also have Samsung watch and phone.
Maybe the Google/Pixel watch is… blessed somehow.

I too am looking into increasing its polling of data, my wife has a heart condition that id like to get more frequent updates – any idea what sensor on the pixel watch will produce more updates than others?

The interactive sensor if you check the screen a lot? Other than that you can use the notification command to trigger an update.

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I’m trying your suggestion that you mentioned earlier to the template timer – can you help me understand the syntax?

{{now().minute % 30 == 2 }}

Time in minutes modulo (reminder of division) by 30, so it’s every 30 minutes.
I chose == 2 instead of 0 just in case many other things happen when last minute digit is 0.

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Thats smart.

Ok so this will be more frequent then. (every 5 mins)

{{now().minute % 5 == 2 }}

this is exactly what i was looking for! thank you!

I don’t get multiple points. Some days I receive few some days I receive only one (like yesterday). I don’t see the pattern.

Sending command to update sensors every 30 minutes, and it seems to me that not all sensors get updated even when it sends metrics back to HA. I noticed that I did get newer metrics on some other sensors than for heart rate.

I did notice that I am having some difficulties to get app on the watch working when I am at home and connected to my home Wifi. When I disable Wifi on the phone, HA app on watch starts working immediately. I do have valid SSL certificate and expose my HA to internet. Don’t know if this is related to sensors update.

So it’s not really working for us Samsungers. Thank you for letting me know.

I found a workaround that has its own problem, but does serve this purpose.
I use MacroDroid (on phone and companion on watch) to start the watch app every 20 minutes. When the app starts, I get a reading.
Just sending an “update sensors” notification to the watch does not get it into the watch app.
While what I found earlier in Wear OS 4 allows HA access to the sensors all the time, it’s useless if HA itself is put to sleep by the watch.

  • needs MacroDroid (or similar), which I had, so not too big a problem
  • Multiple instances of HA somehow make it on the watch UI, which is a problem when I get an alarm and I can’t get to it as I have to swipe the HAs away.