Problems Reading GPIO Pins

Frankly, I’m a bit confused.
I did all my GPIO tests during the past month and I never had a problem.
I’m insure about the HA version I’ve been using.
A couple of days ago I decided to move it to “production” and before doing it I did a version upgrade to 2021.6.3 and everything stopped working !!
Meaning, I have 5 pull-up sensors, whenever I connect one of them to ground it changes its status in HA but will never return to the previous state when I disconnect.
Plus, from that point on, whatever other change to GPIO pin is not seen by HA.
Electrically the right tensions and polaritirs are measured.
After seeing your post, I rolled back to 2021.5.5 and evrything works fine (without gpio2 !!)
Anybody else??

Is this already been confirmed?

I’m running the following code for the past two years now without any problem. i.e. the patch is no longer needed in my case.

- platform: rpi_gpio
  invert_logic: true
    12: Security System
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I finally got around to switching one of my GPIO entities over to the GPIO platform (instead of the command line platform, reading the GPIO value files.)

So far, after just two on/off cycles, it seems to be working. I’ll continue to monitor, but it will be nice to put this chapter behind me after all this time!

Well, all my GPIO sensors have been working fine since my last post. Looks like after all those years they finally fixed the GPIO input problem in HA. But…

Now there’s word that the GPIO support will be removed from HA!

Just when I was starting to consider my HA environment to be somewhat mature.